William Rothman and Marian Keane: Reading Cavell's The World Viewed: A Philosophical Perspective on Film. (Wayne State Univeristy Press, 2000) Bates, Stanley, "Movies Viewed: Cavell on Medium and Motion Pictures", in Dickie, Sclafani & Roblin (eds) Aesthetics: A Critical Anthology (2nd edition, St Martin's Press, 1989). Batkin, Norton, "Photography, Exhibition, and the Candid", Common Knowledge 5:2 (Fall, 1996), 145-65. Day, William, "Moonstruck, or How to Ruin Everything", [Restricted on-line access] Philosophy and Literature 19:2 (Oct, 1995), 292-307. Hodge, Joanna Marrack, on Themes out of School, British Journal of Aesthetics 26 (Autumn, 1986), 404-6. Keane, Marian, "The Authority of Connection in Stanley Cavell's 'Pursuits of Happiness'", Journal of Popular Film and Video 13:3, 1985, 139-50. Keane, Marian, "Who's Silencing Whom?", Philosophy and Film vol 2. Large, David, "Unknown Men and Unknown Women: Reading Cavell", Film-Philosophy Salon on-line Review 1997. Modleski, Tania, "Reply to Cavell", Critical Inquiry 16 (Autumn, 1990). See also Cavell: "Reply to Modleski" in the same issue. Neill, Alex, "Kinship and Seperation in Cavell's Pursuits of Happiness", Philosophy and Literature, 11:1 (April, 1987), 136-47. Parini, Jay, on Themes Out of School, The Hudson Review 23 (Spring, 1984), 281-8. Poague, Leland, Film Criticism, 7:2, 1983, 53-62. Poague, Leland, "Cavell and the Fantasy of Criticism: Shakespearean Comedy and Ball of Fire", CineAction! 9 (Summer, 1987), 47-55. Poague, Leland, "Engendering Vertigo", Hitchcock Annual 1994, 18-53. Rosenstone, Robert, on Pursuits of Happiness, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 27 (April, 1985), 367-75. Rothman, William, "Cavell and Film", entry in Michael Kelly (ed), Encyclopedia of Aesthetics. Rothman, William, "Cavell's Creation", in Cohen, Guyer & Putnam (eds) Pursuits of Reason: Essays in Honour of Stanley Cavell (Texas Tech UP, 1993), 345-59. Rothman, William, "Cavell's Philosophy and What Film Studies Calls "Theory": Must the Field of Film Studies Speak in One Voice?" Philosophy and Film, vol 2. Rothman, William & Marian Keane "Toward a Reading of The World Viewed", Journal of Film and Video 49: nos 1-2, (Spring-Summer, 1997), 5-17. Scheman, Naomi, "Missing Mothers / Desiring Daughters: Framing the Sight of Women", Critical Inquiry 15:1 (Autumn, 1998), 62-89. Smith & Kerrigan (eds) Images in our Soul: Cavell, Psychoanalysis and Cinema ('Psychiatry and the Humanities' 10) Johns Hopkins UP, 1987. Snyder, Joel, "What Happens by Itself in Photographs?", in Cohen, Guyer & Putnam (eds) Pursuits of Reason: Essays in Honour of Stanley Cavell (Texas Tech UP, 1993), 361-73. Zucker, Carol, "On 'Over-Reading' and 'Under-Reading' Films" (On Pursuits of Happiness), Canadian Review of American Studies, 17:2 (1986), 251-55.
Report from the U of Pennsylvania symposium, Cavell and Hollywood, "Sticking to his guns on film and philosophy", by Carlin Romano, The Inquirer Dec 7, 1998.
Carroll, Noël, Film Comment (January, 1973), pp. 62-4.
Anderegg, Michael, Michigan Quarterly Review 23 (Spring 1984), 281-8. Hawthorne, G., London Review of Books, IV:6. Neill, Alex, "Kinship and Separation in Cavell's Pursuits of Happiness", Philosophy and Literature 11:1 (Apr. 1987), 136-47. Rosenstone, Robert, Comparative Studies in Society and History 27 (Apr. 1985), 367-75. Wood, Michael, "One Mo' Time", The New York Review of Books, Jan 21, 1982.
Davidson, A., London Review of Books, VI:24 Hodge, Joanna Marrack, British Journal of Aesthetics 26 (Autumn, 1986), 404-6. Parini, Jay, The Hudson Review, 38 (Spring 1985), 115-19.
Connor, J.D., "Disappearing, Inc.: Hollywood Melodrama and the Perils of Criticism", MLN Restricted on-line access 112 (Dec. 1997), 958-70. Kaplan, E. Ann, Film Quarterly, 52:1 (Fall, 1998), 77-81. Krzywinska, Tanya, Journal of American Studies, 32:3 (Dec, 98), 531-2. Slocum, J. David, Times Literary Supplement 4945 (Jan. 9 1998), 17. Wartenberg, Thomas, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 56 (Winter, 1998), 82-3.
Books The World Viewed: Reflections on the Ontology of Film (Harvard University Press, 1971). Enlarged Edition published 1979. Pursuits of Happiness: The Hollywood Comedy of Remarriage (Harvard University Press, 1981). Themes out of School: Effects and Causes (North Point Press, 1984). Contesting Tears: The Melodrama of the Unknown Woman (University of Chicago Press, 1996).
1976 "Leopards in Connecticut", Georgia Review (Summer). Revised as "Leopards in Connecticut: Bringing up Baby", in Pursuits of Happiness. "Some Reflections on the Ontology of Film", New American Review 12, 140-59. 1979 "[An Afterimage-] On Makajevev on Bergman", Critical Inquiry 6:2, 305-30, reprinted in Vlada Petric (ed) Film and Dreams: An Approach to Bergman (Redgrave Publishing Co.), 197-220, reprinted in Themes Out of School. "Pursuits of Happiness: A Reading of The Lady Eve", New Literary History, 10, 581-601. Revised as "Cons and Pros: The Lady Eve", in Pusuits of Happiness. 1980 "Knowledge as Transgression", Daedalus (Spring). Revised as "Knowledge as Transgression: It Happened One Night", in Pursuits of Happiness. 1981 "North by Northwest", Critical Inquiry 9:1, 157-78, reprinted in Themes Out of School, reprinted in Deutelbaum & Poague (eds) A Hitchcock Reader (Iowa State UP, 1986), 249-64. 1982 "The Fact of Television", Daedalus 111:4, 75-96, reprinted in Themes Out of School. 1983 "The Thought of Movies", The Yale Review 72:2, 181-200, reprinted in Themes Out of School. Reprinted in Freeland & Wartenberg (eds) Philosophy and Film (Routledge, 1995). 1984 "Appendix: 'Film in the University'", in Themes Out of School. "What Becomes of Things on Film?", Philosophy and Literature 2:2, 249-57, reprinted in Themes Out of School. 1985 "A Capra Moment", Humanities 6:4, 3-7. "What Photography Calls Thinking", Raritan, 4:4, 1-21, reprinted in Poirier (ed) Raritan Reading (Rutgers UP, 1990), 47-65. "Psychoanalysis and Drama", in Smith & Kerrigan (eds) Images in Our Souls. Partly revised as "Psychoanalysis and Cinema: Moments of Letter from an Unknown Woman" in Pursuits of Happiness. 1987 "Psychoanalysis and Cinema: The Melodrama of the Unknown Woman", in Kerrigan (ed) Images in our Souls, 11-43. 1988 "Two Cheers for Romance", in Willard Gaylin and Ethel Person (eds) Passionate Attachments: Thinking about Love (New York: Free Press; London: Collier Macmillan.) 1989 "Naughty Orators: Negation of Voice in Gaslight", in Budick & Isler (eds) Languages of the Unsayable (Columbia UP). Reprinted in Contesting Tears. "Who Disappoints Whom?", Critical Inquiry 15:3, 606-610. 1990 "Postscript (1989): To Whom It May Concern", Critical Inquiry 16:2, 248-89. Reprinted in Contesting Tears. "Ugly Duckling, Funny Butterfly: Bette Davis and Now, Voyager", Critical Inquiry 16:2, 213-89. Reprinted in Contesting Tears. 1993 "Prénom: Marie", Foreword to Maryel Locke and Charles Warren (eds), Jean-Luc Godard's Hail Mary: Women and the Sacred in Film (Carbondale, Southern Illinois UP), xvii-xiii. 1996 Review of The Marx Brothers: ‘A Day at the Races', ‘Monkey Business' and ‘Duck Soup' (French, K. editor). London Review of Books XVI:1. "Words of Welcome", in Charles Warren (ed): Beyond Document: Essays on Nonfiction Film (University Press New England). 2000 "Kärlekens årstider: Ingmar Bergmans Somarnattens leende och En vintersaga" [In Swedish - translation by Michael Tapper], Filmhäftet 111:3, 47-52.
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