Reviews by Rothman


"The Avoidance of Criticism", on A Critique of Film Theory, by Brian Henderson, Quarterly Review of Film Studies 6:3 (Summer), 295-99.

Reviews of Rothman

Hitchcock: The Murderous Gaze

Anderegg, Michael, Michigan Quarterly Review 23 (spring, 1984), 281-8.

Durgnat, Raymond, "To Catch a 'Hitch'", Quarterly Review of Film Studies 8:1 (Winter, 1983), 43-8.

Jameson, Frederick, "Allegorizing Hitchcock", in Signatures of the Visible (New York 1992), pp. 99-127

The "I" of the Camera

Prince, Stephen, Film Quarterly 43 (Summer, 1990), 36-8.

Sullivan, David,"'I'ing Cinema: Rothman's Readings of Cinematographic Visions and Visionaries", Film-Philosophy Electronic Salon.

Documentary Film Classics

MacLennan, Gary "Rothman and the Challenge of Critical Realism" Film-Philosophy Electronic Salon.

Perez, Gilberto, Cineaste 23:3 (1998), 49-50.

Books by William Rothman

Hitchcock: The Murderous Gaze (Harvard University Press, 1982), 371 pp.

The "I" of the Camera: Essays in Film Criticism, History, and Aesthetics (Cambridge University Press, 1988), 210 pp.

Documentary Film Classics (Cambridge University Press, 1997), 218 pp.

With Marian Keane: Reading Cavell's The World Viewed: A Philosophical Perspective on Film (Wayne State Univeristy Press, 2000), 320 pp.



"Against 'The System of the Suture'", Film Quarterly 29:1 (Fall). Reprinted in Bill Nichols (ed.), Movies and Methods (University of California Press, 1982), and in Mast, Cohen & Braudy (eds), Film Theory and Criticism: Introductory Readings.

"Alfred Hitchcock's Notorious", The Georgia Review 29 (Fall/Winter).


"Jean Mitry", The Quarterly Review of Film Studies, (winter)


"Alfred Guzzetti's Family Portrait Sittings", The Quarterly Review of Film Studies 2:1 (Feb.), 96-113. Reprinted in The "I" of the Camera.


"To have and have not adapted a Film from a Novel", in Gerald Peary & Roger Shatzkin (eds) The Modern American Novel and the Movies (NY: Frederick Ungar Company), 70-80. Reprinted in The "I" of the Camera.


"Alfred Hitchcock's Murder!: Theatre, Authorship and the Presence of the Camera" [Adapted from the second chapter of The Murderous Gaze], Wide Angle 4:1, 54-61. Reprinted in Marshall Deutelbaum and Leland Poague (eds), A Hitchcock Reader (Iowa State University Press, 1986).

"How Much Did Hitchcock Know?", Quarterly Review of Film Studies (Summer).


"A Critique of Film Theory", Quarterly Review of Film Studies (summer).

"The Filmmaker within the Film: The Role of Octave in The Rules of the Game", Quarterly Review of Film Studies 7:3 (Summer), 225-36. Reprinted as "The Filmmaker in the Film: Octave and the Rules of Renoir's Game" in The "I" of the Camera.


"Hitchcock: Ten Mysteries from the Master of Suspense", American Film 9:1, (Oct.), 81-6.

"North by Northwest: Hitchcock's Monument to the Hitchcock Film", The North Dakota Quarterly 51:3 (Summer), 11-24. Reprinted in The "I" of the Camera.

"Virtue and Villainy in the Face of the Camera", Raritan Review (winter). Reprinted in Carole Zucker (ed), Making Visible the Invisible: An anthology of original essays on film acting (The Scarecrow Press,Inc., 1990), 28-43.


"The Death of Television", Boston Review (August).

"Pathos and Transfiguration in the Face of the Camera: A Reading of Stella Dallas", Raritan Review 3:3 (Winter), 116-35. Reprinted in The "I" of the Camera.


"D.W. Griffith and the Birth of the Movies", Humanities 6:4 (Aug.), 17-20. Reprinted in The "I" of the Camera, and in Scott Peacock (ed), Twentieth Century Literary Criticism (Gale Research, 1997).

"TV: la fin d'une histoire," Lettre Internationale (Summer).


"Hollywood Reconsidered: Reflections on the Classical American Film", East-West Film Journal 1:1 (Dec.), 36-47. Reprinted in The "I" of the Camera, in The Bucknell Review (summer 1988), and in Richard Fleming and Michael Payne (eds) The Senses of Stanley Cavell (Bucknell University Press, 1989).


"Vertigo: The Unknown Woman in Hitchcock", in Smith & Kerrigan (eds) Images in Our Souls: Cavell, Psychoanalysis, Cinema (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press), 64-81. Reprinted in The "I" of the Camera.


"Hollywood and the Rise of Suburbia", East-West Film Journal 3:2 (June), 96-105.


Foreword to the English language edition, Eric Rohmer: Writings on Film (Cambridge University Press).


"Acting in the films of D. W. Griffith," in Carole Zucker (ed), Making Visible the Invisible (The Scarecrow Press).


"Cavell's Creation", in Cohen, Guyer & Putnam (eds) Pursuits of Reason: Essays in Honour of Stanley Cavell (Texas Tech UP), 345-59.

"The Goddess: Reflections on Melodrama East and West", in Dissanayake (ed), Melodrama and Asian Cinema (Cambridge: Cambridge UP).

"Overview: What is American about Film Study in America?", in Dissanayake (ed), Melodrama and Asian Cinema (Cambridge: Cambridge UP).


"Cavell's Philosophy and What Film Studies Calls "Theory": Must the Field of Film Studies Speak in One Voice?" Philosophy and Film, vol 2.


"Hollywood and the Rise of Suburbia", East-West 3:2 (June), 96-105.


"Eternal Verités: Cinéma-Vérité and Classical Cinema", in Charles Warren (ed) Beyond Document: Essays on Nonficiton Film (UP of New England), 79-99.


"D. W. Griffith's Judith of Bethulia", in Scott Peacock (ed), Twentieth Century Literary Criticism (Gale Research).

"Toward a Reading of The World Viewed" (with Marian Keane), Journal of Film and Video 49:1-2, 5-16.


"Cavell and Film", entry in Michael Kelly (ed), Encyclopedia of Aesthetics.

"The Filmmaker as Hunter: Nanook of the North", in Barry Grant and Jeannette Sloniowski (eds), Documenting the Documentary (Wayne State University Press), 23-39.

"What has become of Cinema Verités since Don't Look Back?", Port - An On-line Magazine for the Humanities 20/7 & 16/9.


"Some Thoughts on Hitchcock's Authorship", in Richard Allen & S. Ishii Gonzalès (eds), Alfred Hitchcock: Centenary Essays (BFI Publishing).


"Looking Back and Turning Inward: American Documentary Films of the Seventies", in Lost Illusions: American Cinema in the Age of Watergate and Vietnam, 1970-1980, Volume 9 of Scribner's History of the American Cinema, scheduled publication 1999.

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