This is the place where you can adopt something! It might be a pet, digimon, cyber pet, person etc and evry fortnight there will be new things to adopt! I hope you lke the page! Now adopt something for your site!

This is My digimon I adopted him form the digimon cage(you will see the link to the Digimon Cage at the bottom of the page) This Digimon grows and changes and can battle with other Digimon's on the net!Why not adopt a Digimon yourself!

This is Zippy you get get one like him at Technoshere III. You go there and build an animal and it will roam around in the wild even when you are off the net and it will send you back messages!

This is Houdini-chi my cyber pet and he is from the Tamagotchi Workshop!Why not go and adopt a cyber pet form there as well!

These are where you can get a Digimon form and a pet like Zippy!

The Digimon C A G E : Go and get your Digimon now! Maybe if you get a Digimon then we can have a Digimon Battle!
Technoshere III: Go and make a pet, it's really cool!

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