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OK guys, don't get your shorts in a knot, yea, this is my GIRLEY page, but get in touch with your feminine side! You may find something here you like!

A starving artist I am not! (I listened to mom & kept my day job). I am however a frustrated tattoo artist wanna be, I was told some of these would make some pretty deacent "ink". Here are some of my drawings help yourselves to any of these pictures. No strings attached! I would appreciate it though if you would turn some of your friends on to my home page. This is my way of getting folks to read & learn about the myths & misconceptions of the AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER.



Some of the colors & details are not as accurate as the originals, but I did my best (remember I am still new at this). Hope you enjoy, and don't forget to check out my other pages.

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