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Dominique Dawes

Dominique Dawes

All sections updated 12/7

I welcome you all to my web site dedicated to none other than the beautiful Dominique Dawes. It has been over a year since the Atlanta Olympics and Dominique has been gaining more and more popularity everyday. The combination of her atheletic career as well as her stunning beauty has attracted the eyes of millions of fans worldwide.

For over 6 years I have been following her gymnastics career. Throughout those years I have wathced her turn from a energy filled adolescent into a beautiful woman. She is, in fact, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life and I'm sure that is the case for others of you that are visiting this site. This web site is geared toward showing that.

Dominique DawesI have browsed the Internet for articles as well as web sites dedicated to her and I have been very dissapointed. She deserves the exposure, unfortanatly nobody wants to give it to her. So, I decided to design my own site using only the newest pictures and most current news that I can tell you.

Since the Olympics, Dominique has finally been getting some recognition for her efforts as an athlete and as a person. She has been working with several charities and organizations and is the spokeswoman for Girl Power! an organization geared toward the education of teenage girls on everyday tempations in life. In an age where celebrity athletes care little about the people that look up to them, Dominique has taken time out of her life to help the one's who look up to her. The title of a role model is one with certain responsibilities, Dominique has taken the commitment and has become a very good role model.

She has been given awards from several organizations for her acheivements as well as her efforts. She currently is doing some modeling in New York City. She has been on the radio here in Los Angeles and in New York, she has been in several magazines spanning from Ebony to Sports Illustrated to The Source.

For a while last year and into this past summer she had a gig in the musical Grease! on Broadway. I didn't get to go see it but I hear she did an o.k. job for a rookie. Dominique has been a guest on the Keenan Ivory Wayans show as well as on Vibe and as appeared on several other TV talk shows throughout the US.

Currently, Dominique is still touring with her teammates. I was able to see her at the stop in Anaheim, CA. It was great and so was she...but what did you expect? She can still get the crowd jumpin'. You'll be seeing a lot more of her pretty face around, trust me.

Okay, starting exploring this site. Please sign the Guestbook so I can inform you of updates. Start with 'The Idea' section at the top to see why I built this site. Enjoy the site. God Bless.

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