Socialism Introduction


Ideas of Socialism date as far back as Aristotle. "One of Aristotle's most interesting discoveries is that social conflicts arise form the inequality in economic and social condition"(Marx for Beginners). The core of socialism is based on the philosophy that this is true and something, being socialism, needs to be done to stop these conflicts. As Marx said himself "Philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it"(Marx for Beginners).
"Socialism is a philosophy of economic collectivism"(Magruder's American Government). Socialism's main ideas are that goods and services should be publicly owned and managed and rejects the idea of private ownership and competition. The first socialists were referred to as private socialists since they believed that they could reach their goals without government action. After time most people conformed to Modern socialism also known as state socialism. "Modern socialism, however, developed as a reaction against the poverty and misery that the early Industrial Revolution caused"(Magruder's American Government). The Industrial Revolution due to its harsh conditions cause many workers to be extremely angered with the government of which they were being ruled by.
Robert Owen who was one of morally outraged workers sought to improve the present conditions. Owen started schooles for children and better housing for working families. Owen concluded that the answer was a system that provided a more equal distribution of wealth. In the 1820's, Owen's followers were known as the first socialists.
Karl Marx, a German thinker, who wrote Das Kapital and The Communist Manifesto, also believed in the well being of the proletariat. Although Marx did not begin the socialist group he is often looked at its creator since he expanded its idea through his writings. In his writings he reformed the present philosophy of socialism, into one of utopian socialism and on the highest level, communism. "In his works, Marx linked the utopias of the ancient with the utopias of the modern"(An Island of Socialism in Sixteenth Century Europe).

Socialism Today

Socialism today is not a dead philosophy, and is believed in by many. One of the more popular socialist groups being the World Socialist Movement, who's website can be visited by clicking on the link below.
Ways of Recognizing Socialism(as in the World Socialist Movements pages)
State ownership is not socialism
Social programs are not socialism
Socialism means democracy at all levels of society, including the work place
Socialism means a wageless, moneyless society
Socialism means voluntary labor
Socialism means free access to the goods produced by society