To The Editor:

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Subj: RE: Dr. Shurdom on Terrorism?

From: (Klaus Meier).

Dear Dr. Jamal A. Shurdom

Warm greetings to you and many thanks for your words regarding peace and standing above all violence whatever its name. I would be glad to hear more of what you are doing and how you see things. I live in the UK on a Brderhof (place of brothers and sisters) . We seek that peace you speak of in each heart, marriage, family, group of people. We work together and respect all human beings even though we might not agree with all they do. But this is different than bombing someone for thinking differently or being different. Warm greetings.

Subj: Re: Dr. Shurdom on Terrorism

I agree with all that Dr. Shurdom is saying in this letter. I feel that it not only applies to the several recent bombings in Africa and Ireland but equally to the US raids in Sudan and Afghanistan.

Subj: Re: Dr. Shurdom on Terrorism

What troubles me are the "couched"messages within the message. Retaliation is an act of terrorism? Well, it may be if executed by terrorists, but if one attempts to punish the evil doer, should that be "terrorism". Failure to take decisive action in the face of continued terrorism merely appears as weakness and further encourages the terrorists. And, when one attempts to remove the cancerous growth, a small portion of the good flesh will necessarily have to be removed. With the removal of cancerous terrorists, it is impossible to incise that growth without some possible damage to the non-infected fringe.

Subj: Re: Dr. Shurdom on Terrorism?

We must all live in peace. No mercy for terrorists. Nations must be friends and live as decent, freedom loving, human beings.

Subject: Islamic Oil Money

It is the source of evil in promoting and financing Moslem Brotherhoods and Gamaa Islamia as well as Islamic Azhar militant who promote hate and murder. This is an anti- civilization.

Subject: Who are the real terrorists?

A terrorist group known as Terror Against Terror (TNT) comprised of Jewish settlers operating underground, functioned with the financial support of many sympathetic American Zionists and the Kach movement (under Meir Kahane). The article states that "Some American members received paramilitary training organized by the Jewish Defense League. Such paramilitary training of right-wing Zionists by the Kahane Chai (Kahane Lives) organization for"work" in the West Bank is still going o Saddam is a superior, comparing him to the Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu.

Dear Editor

While the Zionists are crying about Islamic suicide bombers, they fail to mention the fact that they themselves are guilty of savage terrorist acts against civilians. Take a look at the massacre by Burauch Goldstein, the TNT attack in a crowded market in Hebron that injured civilian Palestinians and children, the TNT bombing in a soccer stadium in Hebron, TNT attempt to bomb six Arab-owned buses with four-kilo bombs potentially killing many including tourists, and the list against civilians goes on and on. Their hands are not free from the blood of innocents and their claims of being the victim falls on deaf ears.

Subject: Islam?tm)s Political Agenda

To drag the world to the desert no mad culture. The bearded desert rats are trying to terrorize the world into submission to their evil will . It is a war against civilization .


Subject: Sudanese Plant Bombed

Soil from Sudanese Plant indicates VX

See the Guardian Newspaper. England. UK. 26-08-1998.

'Scientists at the Sudanese pharmaceuticals plant hit by American missiles secretly worked with Iraqi counterparts on chemical weapons projects, according to US intelligence claims. The claims are disputed by employees of the plant who say it only made medicine. Intercepts of phone conversations between scientists at the plant in Khartoum and dome top officials in Iraq's chemical weapons programme influenced President Bill Clinton's decision to order a cruise missile strike on the plant. A key factor in the strike was a soil sample from the plant site that showed traces of an artificial chemical that is a key ingredient in the deadly nerve agent VX, a US intelligence officer said. The chemical was named as a O-ethylmethylphosponothioic acid, a substance better known as EMPTA.' -

Subject: Re: What is Terrorism?

Forget moral. From the American Heritage Dictionary, terrorism is the unlawful use whose laws? or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing

societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons. You mean a threat that may start with the words"" When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation". To terrorize is to fill or overpower with terror; terrify. To coerce by intimidation or fear. Sounds like the American colonists to me.......

Subject: Islam is the problem !

Is it really the nature of middle east people or it is the Islamic religion that sponsors terrorism &consider them heroes and martyrs .I am seeing this horrible pattern in all Islamic nations and wondering why did god allowed those devils to intimidate his people .May the lord open their eyes and souls so they can stop torturing each other and other people

Subject: Bombing of Arab terrorists.


I think we should all be very pleased to see American missiles raining down on Arab murderers. However this must be an on going effort on the part of the US military. President. Clinton, I?tm)m sure, would want to minimize our effort. However, several weeks of thorough bombing are necessary to get the body counts up to the desired levels. Arab terrorists may be ignorant dirtballs but they are just smart enough to comprehend American Tomahawk missiles.

Subject: Re:Islamic Oil

Islamic oil was never used to industrialize other Arab countries and raise their social conditions which could have been of mutual . It was used in evil ways to finance militant Islamic movements and discouraging freedom of religion. Islamic oil money was use to corrupt any needy unstable women in this needy world.

Subject: Re: Dr. Shurdom on Terrorism!


Complaining is not enough. What can we do to stop this world wide madness? In my opinion, we need to concentrate on the origin of the problem. The Media. Yes, The Media is the number one creator of terrorism. All functions and states rely heavily on their media to send out their messages. There is always another side to the story that remains hidden. Today's Media is a Nationalistic Media, which means they work for the state of origin and their own interests. What we need is a neutral Media, which it doesn?tm)t exist. Another problem is the definition of the word terrorism. Blowing up innocent people is not the only form of terrorism, it is the political form of terrorism which by itself comes in many different forms and shapes. For example, sanction is also a type of political terrorism that kills by thousands and nobody is aware of of theon media. Killing is killing,there is no difference. Using your means to keep a corrupted government in power is another type of terrorism that kills so many innocent political people. Having a strong military force and show that force and act as a corrupted police man to gain your own interest with support of your media is also an act of terrorism. Time is ripe to sit around a round table and act like civilized human beings and, find out that we all are the bad guys and the good guys. To find out that nobody has the saying on the truth and we all have made our mistakes many times over. Till that time misunderstanding and false impression will prevail and, selfish and egocentric action will continue ,So, to summarize: media, the definition of terrorism, and selfish human nature are the biggest obstacle to peace that exist in our world today. Good luck;


Subject: Is Any Violence Honestly Justified?

The American people begin to loose patriotism, and approach revolution, when the presidency, and Government as a whole, commits illegal and unethical acts of conduct. As a counter measure the people involved in the Presidency instruct and support the President's decision to go to war in order to generate patriotism again. Only they will not admit that it is to increase patriotism, but for some other "Noble" purpose that we have some kind of responsibility to fulfill. Just watch how things proceed in the next year regarding our new "wonderful", war.

Subject: Blow up the terrorist camps

There are many terrorist camps in Sudan so finish the job you started and blow them up to hell . beam them directly to the hell they all deserve .While you are doing this do not forget to blow up the fanatic in Sudan Government specially Turaabi- Bashier ultra fanatic blood thirsty slave traders to relieve Sudan from their evil. Sudanese will love you for doing this.

Subject: Arabs Hate America

The edict announced a new coalition of extremist groups from Egypt, Pakistan and Bangladesh called the International Islamic Front for Jihad Against the Jews and Crusaders. "For over seven years the United States has been occupying the lands of Islam in the holiest of places, the Arabian Peninsula," the edict begins, "plundering its riches, dictating to its rulers, humiliating its people, terrorizing its neighbors, and turning its bases in the peninsula into a spearhead through which to fight the neighboring Muslim peoples." Muslims everywhere should kill Americans wherever they find them, soldiers and civilians alike, the edict proclaims, "in accordance with the words of Almighty God." Now the Arabs are into hating America . What is it about Islam that causes such hatred among their ranks ? Why do they hate everyone but themselves ? Muslims are the most hateful people on earth

Subject: Stop the Hatred!!! A Reprisal

To: Dr. Shurdom-Editor,

People are not pawns. Governments play their games pitting one against the other, when all the average person wants to do is survive. Religions are run under the guise of governments - the three major being Christian, Islamic and Judaism - all striving for world economic power in which only the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. So at times like what we are experiencing now, who do you think will be the real winners and who do you think will be the real losers find it strange that as we approach the 21st century, many of the inhabitants of this planet are just as vile, paranoid, and full of hate as they were in the 21st century B.C. Many posters are rooting for violence and death, and are attacking one another foolishly, instead of trying to understand what is really going on. A small group of fundamentalists have attacked U.S. embassies, yet many of you are taking it out on all Middle-Easterners. This is your basic prejudice. And this is wrong. People are dying, yet you are rooting like you are at a football game. This is not a game, this is an atrocity. I know I will receive hate mail notes for this article, but I don't care. I have just as much right to express my opinion and views and as anyone else. The funny part about it is that I will receive hate mail because I am incapable of hating.

Why not remove the hatred from your hearts and pray to your God, whomever you perceive him or her to be, that we may soon have world peace and respect for one another.

Subject: Terrorist

I propose that Congress pass an International Terrorist Act which would supersede existing laws and would state in effect that we will declare any threat of violence to Americans as a violation of that law and that we will pursue the perpetrators of that threat in whatever territory they reside and bring them back for trial. This would send the signal for those nations that harbor terrorists that if they do not turn over for trial anyone accused of breaking the law that we will not recognize their sovereignty in our pursuit.

Subject: Re: Chomsky: Is it terrorism to attack terrorists? I cannot agree with the theory of "Defenseless people"??Hardly. These terrorists killed or maimed hundreds of people with their bombs. Their factories and training camps were merely taken out. We did the same to Libya a few years back. If any organization wishes to make war with theU.S. they will suffer the consequences. These targets were being watched for several months and monitored from the air. Bin Ladin and his followers have publicly announced a declaration of War against the U.S. Then, so be it. Subject:Re: Dr. Shurdom on Terrorism I agree with all that Dr. Shurdom is saying in this Terrorism article letter. I feel that its not only applies to the several recent bombings in Africa and Ireland but equally to the US raids in Sudan and Afghanistan. .Subj: Re: Dr. Shurdom on Terrorism? We must all live in peace. No mercy for terrorists. All nations must be friends and live as decent, freedom loving, human beings. Subject: Islamic Oil Money! It is the source of evil in promoting and financed financing Moslem Brotherhoods and Gamaa Islamia as well as Islamic Azhar militants who promote hate and murder. This is an anti-civilazation and an anti-economic development. Subject: Islams Political Agenda To drag the world into the desert, with no mad culture. The bearded desert rats are trying to terrorize the world into submission to their evil will. It is a war against civilization. Subject: Re: MECRA Press Release According to your definition of terrorism, sanctions against Iraq are a formal act of terrorism except they are silent and not as flashy as bombings. If the media would cover the dying children in Iraq like they cover the bombings in Africa, things would be different. Thanks for all your work. Regards, Rev. Bob Bossie, SCJ Subject: Re: Human Appeal! I will speak for my self thank you: what I meant was....when the people of Kenya not America were attacked...I never saw a Moslem offer any prayers ...any money to help the people ...I never heard one word at all....but when America attacked a plant and went out of their way not to harm the people prayed for terrorist...what I was saying was Christian charity has always reached out for all people regardless of religion...and when I hear Moslems appealing to the world for the sake of other Moslems ....I become angry because I never see them express sympathy or support for anyone else...IT was our American dollars and our men who risked their lives in a war that wasnt ours....It was Moslems we defended...and when we try to help others who ask for our help in peace. We become the enemy....Im afraid that if America's tolerance to strive for this for all people runs out...many more will suffer...are you aware that America gives large amounts of money to help support the people who strive for peace? In the Gulf war did you see America ever try to convert or insult a Muslim? Subject: Col Bill Taylor and Osama bin Laden, Col Bill Taylor stated on BBC TV tonight that because American forces are no longer in a state of readiness to follow through on its foreign policies and corporate laws that enables the production of cheap goods abroad. The US forces used Cruise missiles against a man, Osama Bin Laden, who lives in a cave? That is not the weapon for a strike such as professed..Col Bill Taylor sees the whole picture, in that the United States is being attacked from Cassavo to Kenya. Meanwhile its Commander-in-Chief has attacked the followers of Islam around the world suggesting such as the Saudi Royal family are the true representatives of Allah, just because they refuse to install the democratic process nor throw the US military out of bounds. Because George Bush sucked Saddam into a war? Because the US "had to defend the democratic process in Kuwait"? Half a brain cell will tell you that's all crap. So what does that make US foreign policy, upon whose behalf expensive Cruise missiles have just launched? Isn't it greed and capital working in combination to defend themselves and not the poor rather then "improve the lot" of the international community? Most people dont mind if US taxpayers spend billions on Stars findings. But this American style of capitalism? Let's face it. but when it comes to intelligence and pin point information. US Intelligence fingers are not exactly "on the pulse" huh? Just another Oval Office golfer or gooferon another wild goose chase? US Capitalism may have "defeated" communism (but not the sane and nor the terrorist). You want OIL and minerals? Check out US terrorism, with Bush at the Southern Hills Country Club. Subject: End U.S.A. State Terrorism Hands off Sudan! Hands off Afghanistan! The criminal US attacks on Sudan and Afghanistan are a threat to world peace and a direct violation of all international law. The British government must immediately end its shameless support for the US war policies. All who support peace and justice are invited to attend this demonstration and other protests planned for the coming days. Called by the Institute for Independence Studies. Subj: As an American To: Mecpeace It is a shame innocent people suffer because grown adults can not agree on best interest of all the people. America should be friends with all the nations of the world. The founders of my America said " Void all foreign entanglements and be friends with all nations and engage in commerce and trade" I agree with this 100% and I wish all Iraq people well. Subject: Re: Terrorism Nest No Sir..Egypt should not be drageding to attacking Sudan. The south Sudanese coalition should work harder to free their own nation. Egypt had enough wars and disasters from previous ones. The South Sudanese should get help from Egypt but that is their own duty to free their country from those fanatic criminals of North Sudan Government. Let Egypt build its economy which was hurt badly by terrorists attack on tourists. God bless Egypt and keep it from harms way. Subject: Egypt & flirting with terrorism As usual Egypt is flirting with the Islamic militant government of north Sudan with its terrorist bases harboring Egypts economy murderers as it had flirted with gammaa islamia for many years in the name of islam soliderity .Egyptian foreign policy is a fiasco of islamic hard liners in disguise . There is a diference between religon and murder unless they are the same thing islam & murder and terrorism are the same thing ?This qoustion needed to be answerd by egypt,s islamic fanatic government .If egypt did not take part in eliminating North Sudan Islamic militant Government. It will be considerd as a full partner in their criminal acts against South Sudan. This is a blunt statement but a very accurate one. Subject: Re: Terrorism Nest No one will take any part of land from south Islamic Sudan, like it or not. Egypt will get rid of President Mubarak. Subject: Board postings, attacking religion Dear Friends Has the political board been transformed to a board for attacks on religion? I can't help but feel nauseated when I see these messages, the filthiest words are used to attack what we hold dear and holy. I am addressing the attacks on Christianity since this is what has dominated the board, but my comments apply attacks on any religion. It is our responsibility to keep these boards clean whether we are Christians or Moslems. We should compete to contribute positively not negatively. Can anyone help me understand the motivation of such individuals. Is it extreme frustration with their own religion that is leading them to this obsessive -compulsive behavior of attacking Christianity. Do they only feel good about themselves by putting down others? Are they attempting to tell the world that Islam is better than Christianity, however they are accomplishing the exact opposite with their messages and posts. Are they trying to convert others to Islam. Again they are accompishing the exact opposite. If anyone was interested in learning more about Islam they will lose that interest after reading such messages. Are they attempting to weaken the faith of Christians, again they are accomplishing the exact opposite. They are actually strengthening the faith of Chrisitians. Subject: Re: Murderous Acts of Terrorism! To: Mecpeace, There is always confusion between a freedom fighter and a terrorist. A freedom fighter targets military personnel to achieve a goal, or for a cause. But when a freedom fighter targets civilians, he/she becomes a terroris Subject: Re: Moronities there to stay! and the UN resolution 520 I tell you what Maronites, it's not up to you or your UN to decide who gets in and out of our Islamic land, so why don't you sit politely and leave us run the land. If it wasn't for maronites, you would still be riding camels. The war is not over. Lebanon has never been an Islamic land, on the other hand Jesus visited Lebanon, and in fact performed his first miracle in it. The Moronities are in Lebanon to stay and defend it. Subject:Bill's confession, US Strikes Bill (President Clinton), you always condemn terrorism, but don't you think striking other countries such as Afghanistan and Sudan is another kind of terrorism, only at the state level. This is about human's life, you can't just kill people to save people. If you are doing all of this just to save human's life, why didnt' you do the same for Palestine. Wake up America, you can't protect Israel when you are simultaneously ignoring coward Israeli aggression against Palestinians. You are not solving the problem by striking poor countries. They may be poor but they have high moral values. Every criminal will prevail to Allah. Your approach is not working. Why don't you just try to balance lives in Palestine and take my words, you will solve the terrorism problem dramatically. You can't just smile to so " called Israel" and stab every Muslim who fights for Palestinian justice. Show the world that you are a humanitarian country, not an enemy of Muslim brothers. Try to find a more systematic approach. Subject: Re: Human Appeal! I will speak for my self thank you: what I meant was....when the people of Kenya not America were attacked...I never saw a Moslem offer any prayers ...any money to help the people ...I never heard one word at all....but when America attacked a plant and went out of their way not to harm the people prayed for terrorist...what I was saying was Christian charity has always reached out for all people regardless of religion...and when I hear Moslems appealing to the world for the sake of other Moslems ....I become angry because I never see them express sympathy or support for anyone else...IT was our American dollars and our men who risked their lives in a war that wasnt ours....IT was Moslems we defended...and when we try to help others who ask for our help in peace....we become the enemy....IM afraid that if America's tolerance to strive for this for all people runs out...many more will suffer...are you aware that America gives large amounts of money to help support the people who strive for peace? In the Gulf war did you see America ever try to convert or insult a Muslim? YOUR WELCOME Subject: Terrorist / Corruption Why have anything to do with Sudan? Arab leaders line their pockets, with corrupt money, from those who are terrorists. Disgust, from the civilized countries of the world, because of Sudan supporting terrorism, like the "scum" who is benton destruction / killing of others. Arab countries who support terrorist activities, deserve whatever the "human", countries do to them. Many "Human" Arabs are embarassed, because of the reason the terrorist use, while they pray to Ali. Subject: Terrorist Nations Must be Destroyed Why don't we support the Christian freedom fighters in southern Sudan? Supply them with all the arms needed to destroy the Muslim threat that runs their criminal government! Impose economic sanctions on all governments that aid them. I am sick of Americans and other freedom loving people being murdered by criminal extremists. The large Muslim population in our prisons should be an indication where these people's inclinations lie! God bless America! Editor, New Sudan Online Subject: Re: To All Scholars, experts and general public! From: Mosadat ....Most probably that person himself is also a victim of some sort of terrorism either directly or indirectly. I know, two bad doesnt make it good. But, we need to get to the roots of the problem instead of blaming each other. And that is , Awareness, Awareness. Most humanity is not aware of it's origins or place in universe. Subject: Afghans will afflict far more greater wounds than Iraq! I post the news so that some Iranians fully understand the consequences of Iran's misadventure in Afghanistan!!! Afghans are not Iraqis! Our country is our mother, and we will cut the throats of anyone who even looks at our motherland the wrong way! We have proven that over and over throughout the history! We will fight to defend our beloved motherland against filthy Invaders, such as the Iranians, till the last drop of our blood, and once we have done that we start on THE AFGHAN MARCH! This time our MARCH will be towards Mash'had, Zaahidaan and Esfahan!!! I DARE Iran and its supporters to take mililtary action against the brave people and the beautiful land of Afghanistan!! The news of the today:


"Peace is Patriotic"

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