Mary-Kate & Ashley at New Yorks Planet Hollywood!
Mary-Kate & Ashley at Planet Hollywood!
Julie Moran reporting from Entertainment Tonight!

Julie: Cute as a button Olsen Twins are taken on a new project. It's not a new T.V. show or a movie it is a series of books. It is the lastest devolopement in their multi millionaire business empire. They are a pair of power houses who at the grand old age of 11, have conquered T.V. movies, film and videos. What do Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen do for a encore, how about a new series of dectective adventure books for kids.

Ashley: When we read, we love mystery and to solve them so they know what it is like too.

Mary-Kate: So they can have fun for everybody.

Ashley: We are thrilled to present our new book series.

Mary-Kate: The New Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley.

Julie: The twins truned up at New York Planet Hollywood to present a set of autograph copies whil their they met with their adoring fans, who explained their devotion.

(Fans of Mary-Kate & Ashley at Planet Hollywood talk to ET)

A set of twins: Because they are twins.

A boy: Because I like their adventures.

A girl: I wanted to see them and to sign a book.

Julie: Their orgins of OlsenMania can be trace back to 1987 when the gals were one when they made there debute on Full House.

Mary-Kate: (at the age of 4) I go to preschool.

Ashley: (at the age of 4) I go to preschool.

Julie: At the end of the shows run 8 years they were reportly making a combine $80,0000 dollars an episode. But Mary-Kate & Ashley didn't stop their they moved into home videos, where they topped 120,000 million dollar sales. They are also novelization, CD, music videos. The Olsen Twins prside empire estimated into the millions. Not bad for a couple of 5th graders. As of their future Mary-Kate & Ashley are bullish.

Ashley: I want to act but when I grow up I want to be a actress and a director.

Mary-Kate: I want to do more movies that always so much fun and a T.V. series.

Julie: And the girls have determination when it's getting to the bottom of their books. The motto is they "Will Solve Any Crime By Dinner Time." The New Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley will be in stores next month.

Entertainment Tonight on January 20, 1998!