The EOC Today

first issue, July 17, 1997

Following is an E-mail message concerning a new series of daily reports
from the Montserrat Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) Info DesK:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 11:29:36 +0400
Subject: The EOC Today

Via MNI-INFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To all members of the Evergreen Network:

Starting from today there will be each weekday, a daily 
report from the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) Information 
Desk bringing all subscribers up to date on the response to 
the volcanic crisis from an EOC perspective. The report will 
be called the "EOC Today" and will be posted each morning. 

EOC Today for Thursday July 17th 19976
A presentation of the EOC's Information Desk.


The new risk map published on July 4th has now had over 5000 
copies distributed to members of the public. It sets out 
three zones, the Exclusion Zone, the Central Zone, and the 
Northern Zone. Any Montserrat property owner based overseas 
may apply for a copy of the map by E mailing your name and 
POSTAL address (not E mail address) to: 
and we will airmail you a copy.


The exclusion zone is considered very dangerous and is 
subject to life threatening pyroclastic flows. There is no 
admittance to anyone to this zone, except for scientific 
monitoring, security and matters of national interest. All 
residents have moved out of this area and everyone is being 
urged not to attempt to enter the zone by circumventing the 
check points which have been set up at strategic points.


This zone is considered safe to live and work in at the 
present state of volcanic activity. EOC and MVO officials 
have visited over 600 persons who live and work in the zone 
since July 4th. They have explained the reasoning behind the 
Central Zone and urged everyone to be in a state of increased 
alertness. Sirens were tested in the area on Wednesday July 
16th to ensure everyone in the Central Zone can hear them.


Considered safe to live and work in but subject to occasional 


An Anguillian registered ferry Earlybird 2 now offers a daily 
service to / from Montserrat (twice a day if needed). It 
departs from Little Bay in Montserrat and Heritage Quay in 
Antigua. The British Government has chartered the ferry for 
the exclusive service of Montserrat. The fare is EC$75 for a 
single journey. Bookings and schedule 664 491 2533 in 
Montserrat and 268 480 2999 in Antigua.

There is also a helicopter (a 9 seater Bell 212) offering a 
limited number of seats each way every day. However a 
scheduled service can not be started until the completion of 
a heliport in the northern zone of the island. Information on 
the helicopter can be obtained from Montserrat Aviation 
Services in Montserrat and Carib Aviation in Antigua. Only a 
small amount of luggage can be carried on the helicopter.


The current population of Montserrat is estimated at 6000. 
The number of persons in shelters this week is 1190.
The number of confirmed dead following the events of June 
25th are eight (8) with eleven (11) persons missing presumed 
dead. Total deaths are therefore expected to be nineteen (19) 


The fuel storage for the island is now at Carr's Bay where 
15,000 gallons of unleaded gas and 15,000 gallons of diesel 
are stored. Arrangements have been made for weekly deliveries 
of fuel from the USVI. There is one gas station operating on 
the island (in St Johns), there is no rationing. LPG (for 
cooking) is on island and both Texaco and Delta have resumed
collection of empty bottles from homes. Bottles are sent to 
St Kitts / Nevis for filling - turn around time is about one 


The British funded new Primary School at St Johns is finished 
with final touches being made to the drainage system. The 
extensions to MSS campus at Salem are being "fast-tracked" to 
ensure completion in the next few weeks.


Work has started on the road improvement scheme. Drains are 
being constructed, some widening is taking place and general 
preparations underway for resurfacing when the new hot mix
plant arrives on island (in September). Some new heavy 
equipment is also expected on island at the same time. (All 
British funded)............more tomorrow!

EOC, Old Towne, Montserrat Thursday July 17, 1997. 

. . . The Electronic Evergreen, courtesy of GEM Radio Network

END of July 17, 1997 message

first version: July 17, 1997; file:/~ehem/car.islands/EOCJuly17_97.html;

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