Mapping the volcanic hazards from Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, W.I. using an image processor

Following is a series of scans of the above-referred article co-authored by
G. Wadge and M.C. Isaacs in the Journal of the Geological Society, London,
Vol.145, 1988, pp.541-551
Thanks to Jenny Ferguson for sending us a photocopy of this article; and apologies for the less than perfect quality of the scans!

...first page (541):
..........Abstract; Introduction;
..........Volcanology of Soufriere Hills Volcano:

...second page (542):
..........Mudflow deposits

...third page (543):
..........(Figure 2) Stratigraphic sections on Soufriere Hills Volcano

...fourth page (544):
..........Airfall deposits;
..........Radi(o)carbon chronology;
..........Nature of previous eruptions;

..........(Table I) Radiocarbon age determinations

...fifth page (545):
..........Volcano-seismic crises
..........Volcanic hazard assessment ..........(Figure 3) Radiocarbon age determinations for Soufriere Hills Volcano

...sixth page (546):
..........Nature of future eruptions;
..........(Figure 4) Synopsis of the historical volcano-seismic crises
..........(Figure 5) Map of likely next eruptive vent

...seventh page (547):
..........Computer simulation of eruption deposits
..........(Figure 6) The energy cone model of pyroclastic flow formation
..........(Figure 7) Plot of the cone slope angle against height of eruption column

...eighth page (548):
..........(Figure 8) Images of four eruption deposit models

...ninth page (549):
..........(Figure 9) Sequential hazard zone of Soufriere Hills Volcano

...tenth page (550):
..........Results of the modelling
..........Sequential hazard zone map

...eleventh page (551):

first version: September 24, 1997; file:/~ehem/car/islands/MTS_haz88.html;

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