Have you just realised what a totally fabulous movie Rocky Horror is and want to be a part of it?
Have you just moved areas and are looking for a new cast to join?
Have you just had a sudden inexplicable desire to dance about a stage in your underwear?

Well,look no further!This page will hopefully be able to help you find casts to join in your area!

Below are a list of casts seeking new members, and contact information,so don`t just sit there staring at a computer screen on a Saturday night!In the words of some wise philosophers,don`t dream it;be it!!!

Click Here

to post and read recent adverts for cast members and from people seeking casts to join!

Cast Directors!

If you are starting up a cast or are seeking new cast members for whatever reason,please post with all relevant details including cast name,cast location,character(s) needed,regularity of performances,cast web site url(if applicable),contact information, and anything else you think is important.

Fans seeking casts!

If you don`t see any adverts for cast members in your area on the message board but would like to be in a cast,no matter where in the world you live,please post your name,age,location,characters you`d like to play,experience,contact info and anything else you think is relevant here for cast members to see!

Good luck in finding a cast!

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people aren`t dreaming it any more!