A little girl's diary in 1961

A month in the life of a ten year old girl in 1961. Some helpful info before you start reading... First of all, I attempted to keep all the incorrect spelling and strange grammer in here except one place where I had to spell it right or you would have never figured it out.

(Check out how I spelled school!)

The names and ages of my siblings:

Mary, 5 yrs older than me, wise and usually helpful. I admire her a lot to this day.

John, 4 yrs older whose job was to make my life miserable. He was like having Eddie Haskel from "Leave it to Beaver" as my brother.

Dick, 2 yrs older, sometimes joined in torturing me, sometimes was pretty decent.

Kathy, 2 yrs younger, we were playmates as kids.

Bill, 8 yrs younger, the favorite of our parents, and the sibs alike. We would fight over who got to get him out of his crib in the morning.


Conservative Northwest Ohio

Era at time of this diary:

I was in grade school, played the clarinet, my father had a good job, my mom worked occasionally for Avon and both my grandfathers had died a few years earlier.

Other people mentioned:

Edie, my grandmother on my mom's side, liked us to call her by her first name.

Mrs. Saler, babysat us while my parents went on a trip to Florida.

Mike, my favorite male cousin, who died several years ago.

Needless to say, you will probably figure it out, but I went to a Catholic school and was "a good Catholic girl."

One more thing, I mentioned "Pertussian" several times. That was an aerosol spray that my mom kept handy whenever my baby brother's chest was congested. She would spray it in the air away from him and it would float to him slowly and help his breathing.

Maggie’s Diary 1961 age 10 and a half

Jan. 1

John keeps bothering me. I coundn’t make some resolutions. I got finished eating my supper and spill my food on the rug. John will not let Kathy and I watch our shows on TV without a fight.

Jan. 2

Dear Diary, I woke up and just then my two brothers come in and tell Billy that they can get him up better. John tells me if I don’t get up in 6 seconds she will spray some pertusain in my face he counts, I stick my head under the pillow he sprays then goes and I lift my head and get pertussian in my eyes.


I got up at 5 till 8 and got ready for shcool nothing happened to me that was bad. Today didn’t seem like others because John didn’t tease me like usual. So I started on my homework at 8 o’clock and in the living room and hours before being finished oh well at least I finished at 10 o”clock.

Jan. 4

Dear Diary, Today at shcool I went to confession and made a good one. At shcool I made some fraction cards for Arith. I came home and did my homework. I’m tired now its 10:30 I should go to sleep but heres some more news after supper about 7:30 I wrote a letter to my cousin, later yet I was as sad as can be. Wed.

Jan. 5

Dear Diary Today I got up early and got to shcool late like usall and at shcool I finished my book report book cover. Shcool is nice but home thats a different story I hate home I cried at least an hour after supper because of brother and sister afair. Then Mom and Dad Made me cry because Mom lied about many things and said to night I couldn’t have popcorn she said before, yes.

Jan 6

Dear Diary Today is first Friday. I went to communion and ate my breakfast at shcool. Today it went okay at shcool. At home like usall John teased me today he hit me and Mom let him go today nothing much really happened. but in church when the bells rang before communion I was embarrased. Good night it is 10:00

Jan. 8

Dear Diary Today I felt bad in church and left early.

Jan. 9

From now on I better write some more things in this Diary. Today nothing happened at shcool Mom came home from shopping so John sprays some pertusion in my face I watch t.v. while doing homework and got finished 5 minutes ago it is now 10:30 Good night

JAN. 14

Dear Diary I am going to have to write if I’m going to keep you a year. Mom and Dad started to go to Florida at 6:29 This morning. Kathy and I waved goodby because they will be gone for 10 days. Billy Kathy and I are begining to miss Mom already. I’m tired good night.

JAN. 15

Dear Diary A Mrs. Saler came today later than expected. She went out of town to a sister in law because when anyone tried to feed her she would choke. She can’t get better. She will die of sickness or of starvation. She is a goner for sure.

JAN. 16

Dear Diary Today I had a Arithmetic exam and English. I did my homework which wasn’t much I tired so I’ll end you up. I went down stairs and played a specil game that only girls that like dolls and boys who are stupid. And I wish you Boys would quit reading My Diary Good Night.

JAN. 17

Dear Diary Today I got to shcool 3 minutes later than yesterday. I had a spelling exam and a geography exam I came home on the bus. For supper I had baked potatoes and pudding and milk. I did my homework. Good night.

JAN. 18

Dear Diary Today I went to shcool and at 2 o’clock I went to band. I went out at 3:00 and got ready to go home. the bus went the long way and Kathy and I were the last ones off the bus. Kathy lost 35 cents on the bus. I got home at 4:00. I usly get home a 3:15. I miss Mom now and Dad. I miss Mom more than dad. Good night


Dear Diary Today I sat in the first row in church. Nothing happened today except I started my homework and it seemed like it was so long and I can’t wait to go to bed my back hurts and I’m very tired. Goodnight

Jan 20

Dear Diary Today I went to the stage to practice my instrument. At 1:15 I went and practiced until consert time which was at 2:00 and ended at 3:00.

At 7:10 I left for band the night consert for the grownups I wasn’t scared at all. The only one I saw that I knew was Sister Martha Mary, I walked looking for the car and couldn’t find it. I finally got home but Mike and 2 others went to get ice cream Good night Time 10:30 Friday

Jan. 21

Dear Diary Today I played outside in the snow. Edie came and packed Kathys and My cloth We left and went to her house. About 3:15 We went back home to get some forgoted things. I played and had fun. I watched TV after I came out from taking my bath. I am in bed now at Edie's house the time is 9:00 today is Sat. a week has passed and I haven’t seen my mom or dad.

Jan. 22

Dear Diary Today I went to the ten 15 mass. Edie picked me up. we built animal houses and played with other things John came while Kathy and I were playing by the door. Good night Time 9:00 Sun.

Jan 23

Dear Diary today I started to go to shcool early. And when I came home I did my homework and finished after supper. Kathy and I have had fight with Kathy because she wouldn’t play games that took two to play. Time 9:00

Mon Jan 25

Dear Diary Today nothing happened except I scared Mary but good. I hate Kathy and nobody

Jan 26

Dear Diary Today I went to shcool and sat in the second row. I did a drawing in school (spelled correctly finally) Mom and Dad started home today. Good Night.

WOW! That was a lot of work.
It was hard to read my writing and the pencil I wrote with faded on the

page. Anyway, this was the way it was.

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Maggie's Home Page
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Maggie's Personal Page
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List of some of my other web pages.
Although the two listed above are also listed on this page, you will find many other ones, unlisted elsewhere. These are mostly my Tripod pages, which are all talk talk talk!

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Somewhere in Northwestern Ohio

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