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Ohio Homeschooling Requirements



A parent who elects to provide home education shall supply the following information to the superintendent:

  1. The school year for which the notification is made.

  2. Name of the parent, address and telephone number. (telephone number is optional)

  3. Name, address and telephone (telephone number optional) of person(s) who will be teaching the child the subjects set forth in Paragraph (A) (5) of this Rule, if other than the parent.

  4. Full name and birthdate of the child to be educated at home

  5. Assurance that home education will include the following, except that home education shall not be required to include any concept, topic or practice that is in conflict with the sincerely held religious beliefs of the parent:

    a. Language, reading, spelling and writing

    b. Geography, history of the United States and Ohio
    and national state and local government.

    c. Mathematics

    d. Science

    e. Health

    f. Physical education

    g. Fine arts, including music

    h. First aid, safety and fire prevention

6. Brief outline of the intended curriculum for the current year. Such outline is for informational purposes only.

7. List of textbooks, correspondence courses, commercial curricula or other basic teaching materials that the parents intends to use for home education. Such list is for informational purposes only

8. Assurance that the child will be provided a minimumof nine hundred (900) hours of home education each school year.

9. Assurance that the home teacher has one of the following qualifications:

    a. A high school diploma or

    b. the certificate of high school equivalence or

    c. standardized test scores that demonstrate high school equivalence or

    d. other equivalent credentials found appropriate by the superintendent or

    e. lacking the above, the home teacher must work under the direction of a person holding a baccalaureate degree from a recognized college until the child's or children's test results demonstrate reasonable proficiency or until the home teacher obtains a high school diploma or the certificate of high school equivalence.

10. The parent (s) shall affirm the information supplied with his or her signature prior to providing it to the superintendent.

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This page was revised October 27, 1999.