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mans' best friends everywhere
extend a heartfelt thanks for
your vote on their behalf
While you are here take a few minutes to
visit our sponsors (they help feed my dogs)
and allow me to make stupid pages like this.
There are also a few fun things to do just
for the heck of it. Check 'em out!!
Please scroll all the way down so you don't
miss out on any of the fun!! :o)


Make yourself heard! 
Leave A Message and tell 
me what you like or what 
I can improve. I also love 
to hear about your pets. =o) 

Famous Dogs in History

Lassie: where would Timmy be without
her. (note:all Lassies were played by
Snoopy: everyone else back off! No
other dog is as cool.
Odie: he's not as dumb as you may
Pluto & Goofy: why does one walk
upright and one on all four?
Rolf: Jim Henson's best muppet
Benji: everyones' favorite super
Under Dog: here he comes to
save the day!!!!
This is Snoflake and I recently adopted him from Timberwolfs Cyber Pet Adoptions.

Now a word from our sponsors:


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for you to check out. 
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on Pseudo Chat.