Corwin's Pattern

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Quick Links

  • Icarus
  • Artefact
  • Compagnie X
  • Micronos
  • Rock In Progress
  • Rulers of
       the World
  • VideoZone
  • Personal

  • Welcome to my HeadQuarters on the Web ! From here, you can reach all the sites I am currently maintaining - or have maintained in the recent past.

    I am in the process of revamping the look of this site, so please bear with me while I do a few tests. This shouldn't take too long... I am definitely going to work on the logo. It looks really bad now that I'm using a lighter background.

    So what are all these sites anyway ? Well, as said above, the common point is that I am maintaining and/or have created all of them. The goal is to eventually add websites for each of my hobbies. At least for those in which I feel knowledgeable enough to do a site.

    Currently in the works : a TV website and a rock music website. Might take a while before any of these are ready, though.

    The Icarus Encyclopedia of Fantasy and Science-Fiction
    (the name says it all)
    (about writing - with an online magazine in the works)
    Compagnie X
    (a French professional SF publisher - this site now has a new webmaster)
    (a French SF fanzine - but I don't maintain this one anymore)
    Rock In Progress
    (dedicated to progressive rock)
    Rulers of the World     NEW !!!
    (extensive lists of historical rulers from all over the world)
    VideoZone - The Music Video DataBase     NEW !!!
    (an ever-growing music video database with director credits and weekly new releases)
    My personal homepage
    (the obvious thing ;-)

    Starting Point

    Corwin's Pattern is maintained by Alex S. Garcia.
    copyright © 1996-99.

    Last updated : February 6, 1999