
abandon, to loose (v) ehlu
ability (n) alehu
able (adj) aled
above, area above (n) aerrh
absent (he is absent) (adj) nuhur
absentmided (adj) nuhur'gemaen
abundance (n) aefau
abuse (n, v) aehyy
accelerate (v) reuvh
accept (v) neiss
acceptance (n) oann
access (n) kheah
accidentally, by accident (adv) oiidh
accomodate (v) awhae
accompany (v) haodt
accomplish (v) arhoe
accomplished (adj) hnnial
accomplishment (n) raon
accord (n) hoaer
accumulate (v) taith
accusation (n) bhuut
accuse(v) swuil
ache (n, v) rheis
achieve (v) khuea
achievement (n) rhaarh
acid (n) nnoihr
aquire (v) kaeth
act, take action (v) kla (irea)
act (n) grukhai
act of revenge (n) cl'vangam
activate transporter, transporter activated (v) hteij'rhae
add (v) llifv
adjust (v) aorre
administer (v) haidh
administration (n) daesn
administrator (n) fvrihai
Admiral (n) Enriov
admire (v) eirai
advance (v) onnta
advanced, highly developed (adj) duimn
adversary (n) jihmn
advice, answer a query (v) aueth
advisor (n) auethnen
advocate (speaks for another in court) (n) raihiw'sheh
aft (n) aehf
after (prep) aihkh
afternoon (n) aihkhmiite
age (n, v) sora
agency (n) dhaehhr
agent (n) lehrei (iarrev)
aggressive (adj) khied
agile or maneuverable (adj) yhea
ago (3 days ago) (adv) lhai
agonizer, Klingon agonizer (n) fveolh
agony (n) iolae
agree (v) rhai (aekhra)
agriculture (n) aellae
aid (v) nveim
aide (n) kaidha
aide-de-camp (n) hmnial
air (n) Ralaa (Element), jaeih, lhael
airlock (n) fveill
alarm (n) bhaie
alert (n, v) nhyrh
alerted, prepared (adj, v) alleik
alien (n) yikh (ssouh)
all (adj) fortnepas
all, everything, the lot (n) qiuu, qiuu'n (oaii)
all gone (adj) urrhaa
alliance (n) kaehht
allow, permit (n, v) hisl
ally (n) dhaekav
alone (adj) eial
alphabet (n) efveimne
also (conj) oi
alter (v) aimnaa
altitude (n) mniue
always (adv) diamn
ambassador (n) llairhi, llaudh
ambition, extreme pride (n) mhr'vaat
ammunition (n) saedi
analysis (n) temnei
analyze (v) hnnai
ancestor (n) orheika
ancient (adj) ulhei
and (conj) u' (i)
angel (n) jhu
angle (n) meraehh
anger (n) dhuil
animal (n) ahlh
annelid worm (n) kllhe
annihalate (v) rhioy
announce (v) lihr, presence or arrival of:  oal'lhih
announcement (n) veiht
annoy (v) ebhae
another (adj) koemae
answer (n, v) dhroi
Antecenturion, Ensign (n) Erein
antidote (n) ssifefva (for fvayiph), ssifegho (for ghoypih)
antimatter (n) nvihha
anyone (n) ehrr
anything (n) khru, "-else?" or "-more?" khru-va
appartment building (n) takas, takas'rhe
appear (v) hhaetn
appology (n) veherr
approach (v) ekhau
area, district (n) hiudh
area of stars, sector (n) stelai
area next to (n) hhaehh
argue (v) iyhwe
arm (body part) (n) haenhe
armed, as in "disruptor armed" "ya ie'yyak" (adj) ya
arms (n) teidr
army (n) draao
arrest (v) iera
arrival (n) oali
arrive (v) dhaie
art (n) lvhiet
artisan, craftsman (n) aethhon
ascend (v) vailiu
ashamed (adj) urhue
ashen (adj) rehillh
ask (v) nihroi
assault (v) arkhiann
assembly (n) aetheaa
assist (v) irhis
assistant (n) diserhn
asteroid (n) ihrh
at/on/in (prep) hrrau
atmosphere (n) khaiell
atomic (adj) fvinnash
attache (the job) (n) lleifven
attack (v) errhi
attempt (v) eidae
attend (v) vaedn (aihe)
attention, pay attention (v) aemni
attitude-control thrusters (n) itheil
attractive (adj) l'lorel'ei
authority (n) eireth (efveh)
avenge (n) kholh
avenger (n) ra'kholh
awake (adj) khumae
award (v) afein, (n) saghomh
away from (prep) uaenn
away team (n) ahyan


baby (n) haedl
back (of body) (n) lhlli
back away from, back off (n) akhae
bad (adj) ray
bag (n) soqey
Bajoran (n, adj) Bah'jorann
bandage (n) oaht
bar, saloon, cocktail lounge (n) lhil
bargain (n, v) mnhaeu
bartender (n) enviy
barter (v) irhaa
base (military) (n) aedt
bastard (n) wort 
battalion (unit of 8 companies) (n) lhanntho
battle (n) llaiss (hhveir) 
battle array (n) aihth
battle bridge (n) oira
battle cruiser (n) hiyll
beam (aboard) haeuui
beam, transport beam (n) nniet
bear, endure (v) aehjae
beard (n) mniy
beat (with a fist or blunt weapon) (v) arhbeu
beautiful (adj) ouye
become (v) nhrai
beg, plead (v) sseu
being (non-humanoid) (n) oaiit
believe (v) irri
below, area below (n) rhoi
belly (n) nhaeh
belt (n) phenno (daefv)
bend (v) akheamn
beside, area beside (n) ieuhh
Betazoid (adj, n) Bhet'sad
betray (v) uihvu
between, area between (n) aethl
big (adj) lhhea
bird, real bird (n) dhael
bird of prey: ship (n) t'liss
birth (of an intelligent being) (n) d'navassa
birth (non-sentient being) (n) navassa
birthday (n) d-navassa'tel
bite (n, v) oallea
bitter (taste) (adj) fvhubh
bitterness (emotion) (n) uerrhro
black (n) akhi (afvu)
blame (v) aerlhi, (n) akeh
block, prevent (v) hmnhe
blood (n) rhienn (plaeh)
blow one's top (v) aemae
bludgeon (v) arhbeu
blue (n) lhaiy (kraep)
board, go aboard (v) nviomn
body (n) dhhaol
boil (v) heiia
bold (adj) ailmna
bondmate (n) hru'fir
bond servant (n) hfai, hfehan
bone (n) mnih
book (n) ilhael
boot (n) llaess (ariuh)
boot spike (n) haiyrh
boring (adj) vadhl
born (adj) iikhe
borrow (v) ihhviu
boss (v) airai
bother (v) aerae
boy (n) bhudt
brag (v) urhoii
brain, mind (n) aelhih
brave (adj) s'ten
break (v) hllue
break (rules) (v) hssai
breakfast (first meal) (n) tie-hh'ellaer
breath, breathe (n, v) aennh
breeches (n) dukid
breed (v) hwaiae
breeze, wind (n) mosaram
bridge (of a ship) (n) hwaveyiir
bridge (vehicles travel over) (n) ivaht
bright (light) (adj) ehhae
bright (intelligence) (adj) fviafv
bring (v) hhaemn
brook (n) (also a term of affection) ihho
brother (n) ravsai
build (n) ehrehin
building, structure (n) kri (aeihk)
build up, take form (v) hhwai
bulbous (adj) ullbi
burden (n) fvhessol
burn (v) ishae (saehfe) 
bury (v) ihwhei
bush (n) churria
business (n) iuyih
busy (adj) dalaredh
but (conj) merht, or mrht
buy (v) hoauu


cadet, student (n) eredh, eredhin
cage (n) naeuul
caitan (adj, n) kah'tan
calculate (v) shie
calculator (n) gah'blekiky
calender (n) hveith
call (to summon) (v) mehre
calm (adj) eiheu
camp (military term) (n) liehv
"can you hear" (sarcastic) (v) hnafiv'au-d
"can you see" (sarcastic) (v) hnafirh'au-d
cancel (v) farhei
cape (clothing) (n) oasllra
capitol (of a planet) (n) fviurr
capitol city of ch'Rihan (n) Ra'tleihfi
capture (v) ikhau
captured UFP member (n) lloann'na hwy
Cardassian (adj, n) Card'hassin
care for/about, take care of (v) diae
careful (adj) hlra
careless (adj) fveod
cargo (n) hae
cargo carrier (n) hae-rrh'eilln
cargo space, cargo hold (n) haerh, haerht
carrier (n) rrh'eilln
to carry or lift (v) talas
cash (n) chaghe
castle (n) saemna
catalog (n) iunrrh
catastrophe (n) laorh
catch (v) hlaefv
caution (n) ahrrein, (observe caution) ahrrein'firh
cautious (adj) oailra
cave (n) uaefv
cease (v) khoi
celebrate (v) celebration (n) raeda
center (n) swaet
certainty (n) kheid
chain (form of currency) (n) takhse (rhaaih)
chair (n) dhaemn
chancellor, head of an educational institution (n) 
change (n) kaol, (v) ehtea
charge (military term) (v) aihknae
charge up (v) uirae
charisma (n) nuhirrien
charming (adj) eamn
chase (v) hrou
chat (v) errae
cheat (v) uvhae
cheek (n) faemn
chef (n) (see "cook") artthi
chew (v) illea
chief, principal, senior (prefix) (adj) daise
chief among several (n) daisemi'in
child (n) kuoku
child's riding beast (dog) (n) fvai
chin (n) tyrh
chocolate (n) soah
choice (n) miin (ssaed)
choke (v) umnei
choose (v) eihoi
chore, task (n) bhaeht
chronometer (n) aeuhht
circle (n) nvaeih
citizen (n) afvha (dhiys)
city (n) sihaer
civilization (n) kryrh
civilize (v) ourrhi
civilized (adj) hreir
civillian (n, adj) (non-government) hfenir, (government 
	service) hfeniriv
claim (territory) (v) daekr
classification (n) rhhadh
classify (v) irhha
claw (n) sienae
clay (n) jarrh
clean (adj) khhe
clear, not obstructed (adj) jamnae
clever (adj) aodhh
cliff (n) aeudt
climb (v) abhae
clip (v) dhiu
clipped (adj) dhoer
cloak, hide (v) kihra
cloaking device (n) aeh'lla-ifv (short-aeh'lla)
	(kilhra'e trehh)
close, shut (v) nrai, (adj) afvrr
close in, get closer, come nearer (v) iurrhi
clothing (n) tyyhh
cloud (n) khaeus
clumsy (adj) kiehv
coat, jacket (n) aafvun (neijh)
cockroach (n) nhaidh
code (n) aodaet
cold (adj) zhown
color (n) eij
collapse (v) irrhyy
collar (n) hnaith
collect (v) lamne
collide (v) arakha
Colonel (n) Ssiebh
colony (n) aaenhr
column (n) diy
combat (n) (unarmed-"Laughing murder") llaekh-ae'rl
come (v) mayri, "come back here!" h'ta fvau
come, yes, general response/acknowledgement (adj) ie
come on (excl) mnaes
comet (n) takaram
command (v) ohrie, (n) tlhei
command center, the flight bridge (as opposed to 
	command control area) of a ship (n) hwaveyiir
commandant (n) khoilmnriir
Commander (equivalent to captain) (n) Riov
commander (positon, not rank) (n) leih
Commander-General, colonel of infantry, commodore of
	fleet forces (n) Khre'Riov
comming of age (when a child reaches 5) d'sora
commission (organization) (n) eireth
commit a crime (v) irai
communicate (v) khaae
communication, message (n) hannam
communications officer (n) khhae'saehne
communicator (personal) (n) han'etrehh (short:  hanet)
Company (8 platoons) (n) lhanmei
compel (v) smae
compete (v) thraedt
complain (v) eallu
complex (complicated) (adj) achdhess
comply (v) aehfvi
compose (v) ekhok
compromise (v) vaiyr
computer (n) awaenndrae
computer data transfer (n) hnhaudr
computer printout (n) haudet
computer program (n), program a computer (v) aithaen
computer science (n) awaenndrae'afwe
conceal (v) dedreen
concealed truth (n) lyret dedreen
concentrate (v) daerhhu
concentrate on, focus on, think about (v) eiihu
concern (n) rhihv
concerned (about) (adj) rhiynv
condemn (v) lliura
conduct diplomacy (v) khamae
confer (v) nnhai
confess (v) ulhao
confide (v) iehvie
confine (v) iuhae
conflict (n) rhehh(v) jhoi
confused, mixed-up (adj) fvaekh
confusion (n) fvaae
conglomeration (n) edaht
congratulate (v) iraeka
connect (v) onra
conquer (v) hruuhi
conscript (n) allkha
consent (v) ehktoi
consequential thing, something important (n) ehief
conspiracy (n) vahk
conspire (v) ullie
consul (n) ehkifv
contain (an enemy, the military term) (v) slhie
contain (have inside) (v) vahhta
content (adj, n) khent
contradict (v) oirhie
contribute (v) lmnae
control (v) esaahe
control panel (n) daith
convey (v) etahre
convince (v) maeshai
cook (n, v) (food preparer) hvai'mos, (chief, cooking as
	an artform) arthhi (koahl)
cooperate (v) toirha
coordinates (n) vaiht
coordinator (n) thiolha
copper (n) mneahj
copper colored (adj) mneahj'ye
corona (n) vhieelh
Corporal (rank) (n) Lhaell
corps (8 legions) (n) agheak
corpse (n) iymn
correct, right, satisfactory (v) Inferior to superior:
	mnek'nra, Superior to inferior:  mnekha
corridor (n) ochei
corrupt (adj) euslh, (v) laetus
council (n) ekhiel
counselor (n) kheinsa
count (v) yana
counterfeit (adj, v) wanae
country, countryside (n) illomnah
course, route (n) hsouh
court (n) rhana
court-martial (n, v) ueshae
coward (n) lhonae
crazy, mad, insane (adj) nohtho
credit (monetary unit) (n) whaenra
crew, crewman (n) saevha (kunhri)
crew class (n) equitorum
crime (n) yita (kuuraen)
criminal (n) kuhoira
crowd (n) ipae, (v) naehna
cruise (v) shinhae
cry (v) khasei
cry out, shout, scream (v) chaetoi
crystal (geological formation) (n) rhaaer
cunning (adj)aensai
cure (v) anaerai
currency (n) chaghe
curse (n) llhusra
custom (n) sarhai
cut (v) mnharai
cut, trim (hair) (v) nenhrai

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