
nacelle (n) baerhar
nag (n, v) naetea
name (n, v) daehp
call, name (v) vihroi
nap (n, v) macae
native (n) cuuhaes
native of ch'Havran (adj) Havranha
native of ch'Rihan (adj, n) Rihanha
navigate (v) cipaere
navigator (n) cipaerih
near to (adv, adj) ler
neck (n) bhhaes
necklace (n) boaes
need, want (v) hna
negative (adj) murais
negotiate (v) embolae
negotiation (n) thaiin
negotiator (n) thaiina
neighbor (n) bruaon, (deragatory) vaehkh
nervous (adj) aaemir
nest, roost (n) narvasam
net (n) (also computer systems) (n) eoth
neural (adj) missaem
Neutral Zone (n) Avrrhinui
never (adv) patned prakrsh
nevertheless (conj) paeira
new, young (adj) aihsa (mollais)
news (n) mne
next (adj) onre, (next to) hhaehh-ahi
nickname (n) (private name) rehei
night (adj, n) temarr
no (adv, adj) dhat , (emphatic) hia
noble, nobility (n) emotae
noble house (n) hfihar, hfihrrn
noisy (adj) paerium
non (adj) (or not, lacking) ihlan
none, nothing (n) lliu
nonsense (n) paeros
nose (n) claehis
nostril (n) kehaele
not (adv) emael
notice (n, v) brochae
noun (n) taikhos
nova (n) aemhig
now (adv) stev, (n) ll', lla (indicitive for when a thing
	occurs), theah (not imperative)
number (n, v) peraere
numerous (adj) raoche

oath (n) kinaen
obey (v) mulaere
object (n, v) kaeust
obliterate (v) paedei
observation (n), observe (v) firhai (draere)
obstruct (v), obstruction (n) enfaer
obtain (v) haenai
occupation (n), occupy (v) enemae
ocean (n) aekwinarre (hussaer)
odd (adj) lhamhe (aendon)
of (poss., prep.) nnea
of the planet ch'Rihan (adj) Rihannen
of the declared (adj) ch'Rihan
of the travellers (adj) ch'Havran, havranssu
offal (interjection of disapproval) (n) hnaev
offend (v), offense (n) ainhha
officer (n) saehne
often (adv) raeler
"oh yes!" (inter) au'e
okay (adj) gaenoh
old (adj) ira (graes)
omit (v) yyambae
on (switch on, or begin) (v) rhae
one who serves the fvillhaih (n) fvillha
only (adj) dvaer
onward (adv) imhai
open (adj, v) abrai
operate (machinery, device) (v) ifvhe
opinion (n) saivre
opponent, adversary (n) retaenir
opportunity (n) taicir
option, possibility (n) aismor
or (conj) neth, neth'lai (riud)
orange (adj) khoey (taemon)
orbit (n, v) raiter
Organian (n) Org'hanian
organization (n) hermaera
origin (n) eloher
our, oours (pron) t'lhoim
outcast (adj, n) k'manatran
outside (n) mhirrafv (enhaire)
over (adj) fvi (voyyer)
overhead (adj) faehhon, (n) visaer
override (v) kardhae
ovrseer (n) challh
overtake (v), pass (n, v) ehhedra
owner (n) rhaetellh

pain (n) uan (aehkhifv)
pajamas (n) egaesih
palace (n) khfau
palm (of hand) (n) ler
panic (n, v) yhopae
pants (n) fvalo (yhutaen)
paper (n) laehhos
paper clip (n) sodain
parallel (adj) emnein
partner/ally (n) dypshj
participate (v) erhhae
passcard (n) luilsh'dameral, (short) luishda
passenger (n) thaehos
passsion or love, often used as a term of affection
	similar to "beloved" (adj, n) sahe
passionate (adj) abilai
passion flower (n) sahe'lagga
patient (n) aehuus
patrol (n, v) efwrohin (aeshim)
pause (n, v) thaele
pay attention (v) animaur
peace (n) saith (bilire)
peaceful (adj) saith-ahi
penalty (n), penalize (v) tarais
percent (n) aestur
perfect (v) staere
perhaps (adv) astaen
preservant (adj) fveirrolh
person (n) rhadam (plural: rhadi)
personal communicator (n) han'etrehh
persuade (v) lihrae
pertaining to a locality or a single city-state (n) sivas
pet (n) epohh
pet, stroke (v) hulae
phaser (personal) (n) tehos
phaser, disruptor (n) hyakk, (several) ie'yyak, (multiple)
phaser crew (n) iehyyakih
phaser rifle (n) d'tethos
photon torpedo (n) yydlhei
physics (as in science of motion) (n) yhfir'afwe
pick up (v) taolhe
pickle (n, v) aita
pin (small item worn on clothing with a special
	significance) (n) botaa
pity (n, v) caihe
place (n, v) anhelae
plain (adj) ojmhi
plains, plain country (n) aihai
plan (n, v) aehhen
planet (n) rehvie (euhre)
planet of the declared (n) ch'Rihan
planet of the travellers (n) ch'Havran
plant (n, v) aefnumn
plasma (ionized gas) (n) thoyefv (hssyrh)
plasma torpedo (n) thoyefv'dlhei (hssyrh'dlhei)
plastic (n) ouwefvh (rhuhm)
play (n, v) yyhle
pleasant (adj) ehaes
pleased (adj) aeher
pleasure (n) vahhus
poetry (n) akhssar
poison (n, v) (not natural) fvaypih, (natural) ghoyiph
polygonal (adj) thollghun
ponytail (n) ataemon
poor, bad, ill, unsatisfactory (adj) ray
popular (adj) taein
position (general concept, state of being) (n) ta
postpone (v) caene
possible (adj) luhtos
power (political, economic) (n) dhiare (valhaer)
powerful (adj) anaesu
practice, train, prepare (v) lohia
praetor (landmaster) fvillha
praetorate (n) fvillhaih
prayer (n) d'hannam
precede (v) gaelai
predator (n) hatham
predator (similar to the terran weasel, but wolf sized) (n)
predator (analogous to the terran wolverine) (n) thrai
predecessor (n) uhhmos
prefer (v) aeohh
prefix (n) aefen
prepare (v) mos (pelaere)
present (adj) nunh, (n, v) pehai
presentation (n) pulsua
preservant (adj) fveirrolh
preserve (n, v) sihhus
president (of a company) (n) Praetellh
press (n, v) staehh
pressure (influence) (n) fvairhe
primitive (adj) achhu
principal (adj) daise
printout (n) huadet'
prisoner (n) th'ann
private name (n) rehei
privilege (n) dinaes
prize (n) bircae
proceed (v) enuare
proclaim (v) saehus
procrastinate (v) fablae
produce (v) orho
professor (n) vaed'rehai
progress (n, v) eahe
prohibit (v) vahhari
project (n, v) faehe
promiscuous (adj) amton'wi-kha
promise (n, v) culhas
promote (v), promotion (n) faehhn
propel (v) faucon
prosper (v) tehsmaer (feire)
prosperous (adj) stuol
proud (adj) feallan
protector (n) rokelh, deletham
prove (v) fealh
pump (v) aht
puncture (v) dva
punish (v) faema
pupil (of eye) (n) faerh
purchase (v) fermae
pure (adj) faest
purple (adj) shaeni
push (v) fascae
put (v) lhi (faeor)
putrid (adj) faeder

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