This manga (Kanata-kara) is done by Hikawa Kyoko. It contain with total of 14 volumes of adventure, romance and friendship themes in it. Most of Kyoko Hikawa’s comics have really cool attitude, handsome and very intelligent main male character, and most of the main female character are usually average looking, very normal teenager girl, which tend to be very optimistic. But once the couples has fallen in love, then the man would love his lover forever.

Edited and updated since January 12, 2004

Updated and edit the main page. Alright, all the "Kanata Kara" fans out there; I to the vol. 13 and 14, when I finish writing summary, I'll update the summary page ASAP. ^_^

Special thanks to Mandy Callaway who helped me to set up this web page! ^.^

All rights reserved.

First published in Japan in 1992 by Hakusensha Inc., Toyko. All translation rights arranged with Hakusensha Inc. and Tong Li Publishing Co., Ltd. through Animation International.