The Griffiths (all of them) at home

30th November 1999 Hi Y’all!!! The family photo that you are looking at was taken just last Thursday 25th Nov, as we were dressed up and on our way out to dinner…( we don’t normally lounge around the house like this). From left to right: Preston the boxer, being uncooperative , with his head turned away from the camera. Preston is about 11 months old, and has all the daintiness of a bowling ball….but is a lovely, happy dog. Eithne has Cleo that cat…..about the same age as Preston, and those two are best friends. Behind Eith’s head is Nudnik the Fat Cat…the last of our original pets (we lost two dogs and a cat this past year…..not a good year for pets in our house). Then sitting in front of me is Gromit the poodle. He always looks like a black blob on photos. Gromit is just over a year old, and is also a really nice dog. Although he’s bigger than Preston, he is not as heavy…in fact he is really quite just cant tell from this picture. Anyway, best wishes to all for the holidays and for the next 1000 years. We will be in Deep River for most of the holidays, but we will be checking our email on a regular basis. Thanks to David for putting up this page…a great idea.. TTFN>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The rest of the family are at:

What is Mum up to?

Jana and David

Elizabeth and Mike

Maire and Barry

Vikki and Bod


Catherine and Robert

Robert and Nicola

Eithne and Keith


Gerti, Nadja, Pavel & Kids

and my own Homepage is at...(family as default)

My own contact details

Family Links

Mail to Jana & David in Berlin

Mail to Maire and Barry on the Isle of Wight

Mail to Vikki and Bod

Mail to Catherine and Robert

Mail to Rob and Nic in Shrewsbury

Mail to Eithne and Keith in Canada

Mail to Sid in Shrewsbury

Mail to Nadja and Pavel in Basel

Page last edited on 22.11.1999

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