I can't believe there's MORE Falsone Hate Mail!!!

I get so much mail on this, I had to add yet another page! Enjoy! Rob



I'm sorry to hear that you hate Jon's character but I love Jon!! He is a great actor and he is gorgeous! I hope people don't knock his acting just because they don't like the character!!!!!!!!!!


From: Caroline M Pruett , ( PRUETTC@jefferson.student.wlu.edu )

Subject: Falsone hate mail

Just an anecdote to share with the Net world; my 15-year old brother Daniel called into a talk show on a Richmond, Virginia Radio to talk to the "Hollywood Reporter" and ask him what he'd heard about whether Braugher is definitely going to leave. The host replied that, as far as he knows, it's Andre's last season and spontaneously added, "God, I hate that new guy!" To which Daniel's response was, "He took acting lessons by watching Keanu Reeves in "Speed"." and the host replied with, "My God, you're RIGHT.

I don't hate Falsone as much as some but promised Daniel (who resents having the same name as Falsone's brat) to pass this one on. In the same vein, I long ago determined to name my firstborn son "Paul" (as in Newman and McCartney) and don't like to see that weasel disgracing the name.


From: Maddy1111 ( Maddy1111@aol.com )

Postuma, hmmmm..........Italian?...Latino? are you sure you weren't up for the role of Falsone, and this webpage is just a pathetic case of sour grapes? looks that way Rob=) I don't think ANYONE would go this far as to form somewhat of a "manic depressive" shrine of some poor guy who was only on the show 7 times. I don't really think you know how many people NOW watch homicide just to see his great acting not to mention his beautiful face. Oh by the way, if you didnt know already , Mr. Seda is NOT Italian in real life, he plays one quite well , and for me being an Italian American, i am led to believe that in your webpage "Greeseball" is being thrown around a little too much for mine or anyother ethnic persons taste.

so if this is a "anti falsone page" than go on and vent, but remember one thing.......... Jon is laughing all the way to the bank my friend

bye bye

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Just for the record - I have not used the term "greaseball" or anything like that - in describing Falsone or Seda. I would not even bother including a letter here that I thought was derogatory to any race/ethnicity, sex or sexual preferences, religion or anything else of that matter. That all being said, I think that when people have referred to him as such in the "hate mail" - that they’re not using it as ethnic slang, instead using it as a substitute for rougher terms like "scumbag" OR maybe due to the fact, that his hair is really greasy. If I thought it was about his ethnicity - it wouldn’t be included ( ie - if someone referred to him as a "wop", I would either edit it out, or not include it in the letter, depending on the context the term was used in ). Personally, I don’t use the term, because I think that it’s possible that it can be taken the wrong way by different people. That’s a personal preference. Your point is noted however, and I request people to be careful of using such terms in their letters if they want it printed. It should be noticed however, in giving me hell and making her point, that Maddy questioned my ethnicity as well. I recommend EVERYONE pay attention to the next letter, it killed me!


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From: Tim Grossner ( tg@cityscape.net ) Subject: Seda and AOL: In league some how??

IS IT POSSIBLE that Seda is somehow involved with AOL??

Lets look at the facts:

1: Seda is a bad actor...AOL is a bad internet provider. 2: Seda is for people who dont want to think while watching TV...AOL is for people who dont want to think while surfing the Web. 3: Seda is all-looks...AOL is all-looks. 4: Seda's charecter gets on Kellerman about shooting Mahoney, then turns around an punches a suspect...AOL advertises reliability, then crashes. 5: Seda doesnt belong on Homicide...AOL doesnt belong on the Web.

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The next letter, from an AOL/Seda fan - is an obvious attempt to seduce me into their cause, to see what I’m missing being an anti-Falsonite. Further such attempts are of course encouraged. Rob

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From: FLHootRGrl ( FLHootRGrl@aol.com ) Subject: F.Y.I.

I Love Jon Seda !!!!!

something 4 u.........

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Something nice from aol, now for something nasty…. Rob

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From: NYLatina21 ( NYLatina21@aol.com ) Subject: You are an A**hole

I love Jon Seda!!!!!!!! DO no disrespect him. Get a life, you worthless scum!!!!


From: Dave C ( chanr@sd28.bc.ca ) Subject: Kill Falsone Now!

I knew it was coming, it had to happen sometime. Before this season, I would've been the last person to ever like a whiny jerk like Mike Kellerman, but now I am completely and unquestionably on his side simply because even HE wants to kill Paul Falsone. I'd like to think that leaving the Luther Mahoney crime scene photos on his desk in plain sight was as low as Falsone could ever go in his smear campaign against Mikey, but by next month the little punk will have found another way to sink even lower. One can only hope that Mikey will make good on his threat and whack that turd before then, but I doubt it. But what really pisses me off is that Falsone is allowed to be a jerk simply because he's RIGHT about the Mahoney thing, so that's supposed to make him a great cop as far as the show is concerned. On the other hand, Beau Felton was a bad cop BECAUSE he was an obnoxious jerk, but by not being cut any slack for his behavior it made him a better character because he was more like a real person, one who I could identify with and care about more than any generic hot-shot asshole like Falsone. Also, as seen in the five minutes of the mostly brilliant "Subway" episode, it was painfully clear to me that Falsone and Lewis have absolutely NO chemistry as partners (Here's an idea: reunite Lewis and Kellerman FAST!). If only Falsone and the lame sexual euphemisms were replaced by Munch and his existentialist philosophies, we would have had a 100% perfect episode right there. As it was, just be thankful that Pembleton was even the focus of an entire episode at all, cause it's not likely to happen again this season. Am I right?


From: Stacey Allison ( sallison@aracnet.net ) Subject: HATING FALSONE

I'd just like to thank you for making my day a little brighter with your LOL comments to the AOL boneheads who like Falsone. The Itallian Stallion is with no doubt the worst character in the history of HLOS. "Janine is a bitch, I don't get to see my kid enough, wah, wah, wah." ENOUGH! We don't care about Falsone's pathetic little existence, nor do we ever want to! As for Seda's acting skills, wow what a goldmine! Watch as he goes for street credibility using slang and calling Kellerman things like "cuz". Watch his "sensitive" side as he raises one eyebrow and looks blankly. Watch his "angry" side as he raises one eyebrow and looks blankly. I say if Kellerman has to go down for murder, might as well make it a double, and wipe that smirk off Falsone's face for good.

Keep up the great work! :-)


From: clio5@juno.com Subject: i hate falzone too!!!

i just came across your falzone haters webpage. i would just like to say that I HATE FALZONE NOT SEDA. i haven't meet him or seen him in enough to form and opinion on that. as for the AOL seda/falzone lovers group they have their pages so why don't they let us have ours. calzone is just a cheesy italian-like product that has no right to be on what is the best damn show on television (or used to be). the other new ones aren't that great but they're not constantly being thrown in our faces. NBC even likes falzone so much that they postponed showing subway to show birthday/conviction as the 4th episode. down with falzone he doesn't belong on homicide. he also doesn't belong in the homicide unit. 1)he is to young (ballard too), bayliss only got into homicide so young because he went through QRT or something. kellerman, well they were short staffed, but at least he's older than seda's 27(i don't falzone's age), or ballard's 29. 2) also back in auto they thought he was dirty, even after that was cleared up wouldn't he still have to prove himself before he could become one of the homicide unit's "elite". 3) the lame-ass plot device of rotating units. that was just an incredibly stupid way to add new characters and to get rid of howard. I HATE FALZONE. you can find more of my opinions at the homicide bbs under ally.


From: Mariel Foster ( fuchsia@mailcity.com ) Subject: Your Anti Falsone page is the best!!

Your page rocks!!! I was going to do one myself (maybe with a Top 10 reasons I hate him) but your page is so great I dont really need to. He just makes me sick. How could he think that doing the "I understand I would have done it too" technique would work on kellerman, a fellow detective!!! He's a hypocrit too. I KNOW he would have beaten mahoneys ass too. If he gets that mad about a rapist how would he feel about someone getting away with murder time and time again? He would have done the same thing. He has no place to judge when he's mr tough guy with suspects. I hate that little grease monkey who walks like an ape. Sexy my ass. He gets more publicity this year than any of the other actors have gotten in 5 seasons.

Anyway, really cool page. Mariel

And a follow up from Mariel

From: Mariel Foster

Im still working on my page. The graphics and all for the webring but Tim Grossner is gonna do one for me so maybe I wont have to do that. The form is up though at if you want to join it. Please join it I only have one other site besides me on it yet. It's only been up for a day though so I hope it will be popular. beats all the search engines for sure. Im gonna do my frank worship page soon and maybe a shrine to melderick. OH no I'm not obsessive at all. I even catalouged all my Homicide tapes. Not obsessive. Now I really hated Ballard in the first three episodes of this season but I've started to like her a bit more lately. maybe it's 'cause I hate falsone I dont know.She acted a bit stuckup herself. I just wish they would focus more on how Falsone is tearing them all apart. They used to be able to trust each other but with Falsone breathing down their backs...Would Kellerman want Falsone to back him up? I wouldnt think so. It would be intresting to show the rif in the department. and with gahretys past all and what Frank siad to him in last seasons finale. It seems like they would focus on that but they arent. NBC just cnat make up their minds. They want us to like Falsone but then they have him harrass characters we all already know and mostly like. Not everyone likes Kellerman but does he have to bother Melderick? He should bother Melderick actually since he was the one who beat up Mahoney. It's horrible how the show has slipped. I too was completely disgusted with Falsone in the christmas episode. "oh look at me im wearing earrings. guys in earrings! that's so funny" I dont see WHY he is so smug really. I wish he'd quit so his job wouldnt be too dangerous to have a kid and then hed be gone. well talk to you later mariel

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And from my fave AOL-Seda fan Bhughes I wish I knew what it meant… brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr She means well of course :)

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From: BHughes686 ( BHughes686@aol.com )

Happy New Year from Jon Seda

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From: sharla foster ( sharlaf@sprynet.com ) Subject: hating falsone the hairy bohunk

I love your page. Falsone really is the end of an era for HOMICIDE life on the tube.

He is trashy. Not too bright, and an obvious grab for the mass market. The public at large is a very scary thing. I am insulted to have NBC think I would like to watch a character like that. Marlin Brando in "A Streetcar Named Desire" he is not!!!! Unless maybe on a public access channel from someone's basement. He is an eyesore!!!! Sharla Foster not on A.verage O.nline L.etch!!!


MORE Falsone HATE-mail IS ON ITS WAY !!!

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Rob Postuma


Hate-Mail to NBC
