MarxLennon's Gratuitous Image Page

Oh, boy…

Okay, these aren't old pictures. These are pictures of Angel taken recently, at least within the last six months or so. Her hair would have grown that much since I saw her last year.

I'm really confused here. Looking back at that first set, the one's with the note, I'm not sure that note was from Tony. It was block printing. I'm not sure it's him. It almost looks like Angel's printing.

I still can't reach anyone down in Louisville.

As you can see, the pictures aren't "dirty". Yeah, Angel's nude in that last one, but it would maybe make a PG-13 rating. They are "suggestive" though, "inviting" as it were.

My daughter Laura suggested that maybe Angel's sending them. I tend to agree with Emily's response, "Yeah, right. Get REAL."

Whoever you are, why are you sending me these pictures, and why can't I reach Angel?

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