Neurology- Everything you wanted to know, but were afraid to ask.

I created this page with the hope of providing information on the
most common neurological disorders facing the general population

As an office nurse, I am frequently asked by a patient or family
member about their particular disease process. Unfortunatly, time
constraints don't afford me the opportunity for complete patient

Hopefully this page can provide the needed information for all who ask.

I dedicate this page to all of my patients.  I care for each of you.

                        -Mary Jane Varos, L.P.N

My pages on neurological disordes.

Parkinson's Disease: My Page about Parkinson's Disease.
Epilepsy: My Page about Epilepsy
Strokes: My Page on Strokes.

My other pages......

Mary Jane's own Little Space on the Internet: My Personal Homepage
My guestbook: Please come in and sign it. :)

This page is far from complete.....

Please bookmark it and visit again to see the additions.

Someone's been by times.