Stormwind Keep...the Virtual Home of Mastermind

Recent Updates, so you don't have to look for 'em =P (Last Update: 8 June 1998)

Stormwind Keep, home of the Paladins of both the Temporus and Spiuritus rites, lies in the WorldSpine mountain range. Perched on and to some extent carved out of the peak of Mt. Babel, the castle extends into the perpetual low clouds out of sight. As you approach, you find that the breezes on the mountainside become stronger and stronger, to almost gale-force winds. Enough dust is present that you can actually see the individual currents and eddies of wind as they blow across your path and in massive circles around the mountain. Just as you think you cannot hold on against the force of the gale any longer, the winds suddenly cease. Gazing around, you see that there is a clear "tunnel" before you, where no wind passes, although you can see the dust being blown in an arch of wind above your head... Suddenly, you hear a rustling behind you, apparent even over the rising's a brigand, and he strides through the gales where you had just he approaches the point where the tunnel began for you, you ready your own weapon, but the tunnel in the winds doesn't open for him, and he struggles ineffectively to go through the winds, even to the point of being knocked off his feet several times, before he gives up and turns back.  Intrigued by the power of the winds and their seeming indifference to you, you turn and continue your journey...

The wind continues to exhibit these strange properties as you continue along the ridgeline. As the road drops into a forested valley, you note that the wind blows over the top of the valley but doesn't descend into the ravine. Ahead, you note the the fortress is no longer visible through the clouds, and you can barely see where the central peak enters the clouds.

A lake, with mountains in view.As you approach closer to the fortress, you come across a massive tree in the center of the road where it stops st the edge of a lake. Carved into it are names of several places, with corresponding directions and arrows. You have a choice of several destinations, should you choose to abandon your journey to Stormwind. Or, continue on the ferry to the far side of the lake.

  • The Northern Wastes, and the Desert City of Aidar, home of Shinma.
  • The high plains of Valea, and the Castle Raubvogel, capital of Natalsia
  • The ferry is waiting. Shall you go on to Stormwind?

  • Gaultheria Castle, home of Lady Poca
  • John-Paul and Snow White's Art Gallery
  • Michael "Wolverine" Ordonez's Homepage
  • Victor "Wolverine" Ordonez's Virtual Den
  • Abby "Suki" 's Homepage
  • Sir Sarcasm the Paladin's RPG Page
  • Jedi Knight's Galaxy Far Far Away...
  • Marnie's Page Dedicated to James (the one below)
  • James' Page
  • Jim's Chat Source