

Well Let's look at Degeneration X In Your House
I always miss the free for all but this time
there weren't any matches anyway!

Taka v.s. Brian Christopher
Hmmnnn.......didn't Taka just signed that
BIG contract? I don't know about you
guys but it was obvious who was going to win.
But it was overall a pretty good match!
Lots of high flying action something you don't
see often anymore, unfortunately.

Los Boricuas v.s. D.O.A.
Why are these guys fighting again?
Why is Vince wasting this talent!!!

Butterbean v.s. Marc Mero
This was very interesting but once again everyone
 knew Butterbean would win or there would be a 
disqualification.(remember L.T.?)
I did not like how it ended with the low blow
Maybe Sable should have turned on Mero  and caused 
him the victory.But you know Vince wants to drag this 
angle out

Golddust Interview
What was the point!!!!??? We already know Luna
and Golddust are wierd!

Southern Justice v.s. L.O.D 
I      tag team matches!!!
All that tagging!!!:()

Boot Camp Match HHH v.s. Slaughter
The Srgt. hung in there for quite a while!
Overall this was OKAY
I was suprised HBK didn't come out though

Jeff Jarrett v.s The Undertaker
Guess who comes out?  KAIN!
I mean I like it when he comes out during those
boring matches but when the match is half way
decent .......does he have to......come ...out?

Austin v.s. the Rock
The best part of this one was the beginning 
when Austin used his truck on De-lo
I think Austin should have lost here and then
stole the belt on RAW not the other way around!

HBK v.s. Shamrock
I was surprised we didn't hear "Clothesline!"
This match was a whole lot better than the 
one on RAW. I was really surprised at the outcome;)
Great cameo by Owen Hart!!! 

Did you enjoy De-X?
Let me know how you feel
                            And That's My View



1 Wrestling Fans Mistreated?... KLIQ HERE
2 Rumor makers...Paparazzi? KLIQ HERE
3 Brian Pillman... KLIQ HERE
4 Cain/Undertaker angle....dry? KLIQ HERE