• Please make sure you credit the sources in { }'s
  • * means it is comfirmed news not just a rumor

    A major newspaper is working on a story
    about the       oriented content of RAW.
    The story will concentrate on the recent
    adult content, including the Goldust/Luna
    characters, the Steve Austin beer drinking,
    Sable's bikini, and Shawn Michaels groping
    himself while dancing in his underwear.
    The article will point out the inconsistency
    of having a show with       oriented content
    sponsored by toy companies.  
    The last time wrestling received this kind
    of mainstream attention was when several
    papers ran stories about the WWF steroid
    and     scandals.
    The story is tentatively expected to appear
    on Monday, December 15.
    {credit: Bob Ryder}
    Vince will be airing a RAW interview soon, where he talks about WCW,
    Hulk Hogan, steroids, and other topics.  The WWF is going on with their,
    "WWF Attitude" gimmick in '98.  Expect a lot of things to happen in '98 that
    will shock the wrestling world from the WWF.
     LOD has now worked out a deal to only do PPV's and Raw only.  However
    they would do, if asked, the MSG house shows.  They were on the RAW tapings
    on Tuesday night.
     Look for a Mero/Dude Love feud, with Sable going to Dude Love.  As many
    have seen, Sable and Dude Love have been kissing and other things.  Last
    night at a house show in Bangor, ME, Sable was forced to leave ringside, but
    then came back to not only help, but kiss Dude Love behind Mero's back.
    This has been happening at a lot of shows.
     The Bulldog given his opportunity
        After not making it a secret that he wanting out of the WWF ever since the
    incident at the Survivor series, the British Bulldog is now recieving that
         Vince McMahon and the World Wrestling Federation has given Davey Boy
    Smith a 30 day window of opportuntiy in which he is free to negotiate a deal
    with any other wrestling organization he choses.
         Whether it be the WCW, ECW, New Japan, All-Japan or any other is Smith
    does not sign a deal within the 30 day period then the WWF retains his
    services for the remainder of his contract which is a total of 4 years.
          The mentality, from what I heard, is that Smith is more trouble then he
    is worth. He is making $250,000 a year in the WWF and he shouldn't have a
    rpoblem with getting a deal with Eric Bischoff to join his brother-in-law Bret
    Hart in WCW.