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Please sign our guestbook!
....We would like to hear from you. We are a couple of old guys
who are having a ball with the internet. It is so much
fun just having a page of your own, but we know that we
could use a lot of help to make ours work better. Any ideas?
I am much involved with my genealogy, publishing bulletins
for Masonic Trestleboard and my Eastern
Star Chapter, and traveling.
....I am a retired mechanical engineer, married with 5 children,
nine grandchildren and three great grand children.
My mother told me to go out and find a nice Swedish Girl, but
who listens to their mothers. So.... I married a sexy
Norwegian by the name of June. It's been a battle ever since.
I don't want to mislead you, she is and always has been, the
most wonderful girl in the world! Honestly!
....We have traveled a great deal - Europe, and for the most part,
Sweden, where we have many wonderful relatives in Västergötland
& Västmanland. Would especially like to hear from people in the
Skara or Västerås areas.
....Please, if you have any help or ideas, contact me.
Some of my Favorites
Wendy's Home Page:
A GREAT Home Page
International: Check us out!
Masonic Information: US Masonry
Switchboard: Find Anybody!
PC Computing: Free Downloads
Map Quest: Free Maps
Cindy's List:
A Great genealogical Helper
Descendants: family
Descendants : Christopher Enebom
June's Page
: Love to have you visit!
Ancestors: My Family Tree
Our Family
: My Kids
Larsson's Descendants: This shows that my mother's mother and
my father's mother were 2nd cousins!
A 3rd cousin's page in
Sweden - he's a baby!: You won't believe this
My famous
cousin, Doug Lindstrand's sketches: Doug is Internationally known
for his Alaskan pictorials!
Our other
Home Page: Yes, another one, remember, we are just practicing!
The Mattson Book!
Grand Aunts & Uncles
June or Glenn Mattson
7406 Frontier Trail
Chanhassen, MN 55317
United States
click here to email Glenn
click here to email June