of POD
Solution to Anorexia

Medical science has no "cure" to eating disorders-explanations are offered, while there are no solutions offered. Are you tired of the doctors trying new drugs on you? Have you tried anti-depressants to no avail? Do you think your therapist is full of it? Well you may be right. There are many capable professionals, but one must truly shop around. This site does not have the cure to Anorexia and other eating disorders, but it can lead to a solution through understanding the scope and conditions of the diseases. Nobody can search for a solution until they are aware there "IS" a problem. Or until one is capable of being honest with themselves. It is the experience of the author, that a Spiritual approach has great results where theories and intellect may fail. There are different levels and types of eating disorders. Some people may find a solution through information or friendship, while the more seriously suffering people may need more than information, therapies, and opinions. This site and it's use is intended to be made with the participation of people recovering from eating disorders, those still suffering, and people who don't know whether they have a problem or not. This way people who need help or answers can get them from people who have them. I'm not trying to sell any products or therapy, I just see the need for some 'REAL' down to earth answers. These answers can be found with honest communication. Your input as to what you are looking for, what drives you crazy, and what you think works for you-is recomended as well as needed. This site is also intended for the partners and family members who are affected from the disease(it's not just the individual with the eating disorder who needs help. Please E-mail any suggestions. Your input is important, and your question is legitimate. Check Out my Links at the bottom of page!

E-mail suggestions,suggested links or bad links, or input, -to Brian (just click on with browser)

United States

My Snazzy List of Links(Just click one on and go there)

Mirror-Mirror: eating disorders site
Great ED Site.:More Eating disorders information
Inspirational Feedback and Wisdom:From a Recovered Anorexic
Survivors: Survivors of abuse support and information(emotional,verbal,physical,and sexual)
Great New Site(as of 2/2/03): Anna Patterson
Relevant Chain-Mail: From a friend to a friend
My Opinion+more on drugs & eating disorders:Chemical imbalance? Drugs?
Send a Message to the MediaTake a petition with ya, or sign the guestbook

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