The Fires of Humanity

By Lee Rothchild

Derived of sleep, he craves,
the milk of the breast,
The wounding of a friend
the doctors' healing touch.
The man, he knows not why.
Is it decadence? No
Insanity? Possibility.
Death? Most Certainly.
He fights on and on
Why? To survive, to live,
He embraces the darkness
loves the glow of it.
The lights he shuns,
Why? For the lights it brings out
the deeds done against man
is inhumanity, this animal nature
To hurt a friend, oh great delight.
To see them burn, the better.
For with fire comes true humanity,
They shed away their carnal nature,
and seek the shelter in the light,
with humanity comes peace,
and with peace is God,
He wants what he cannot have,
he cannot have because he has no faith,
and with the lack of faith comes damnation.
He cannot accept the fact he is animal,
and is in fact supposed to be,
His pride, it enters in,
saying he should be higher than the natural,
the world of man, not good enough for him,
he is all spirit, or wants to be,
Deny God! he cries!
And with this cry his fate is sealed.