Jennifer Dawn Stillings was born in Hawaii but raised in Dallas, Texas. She studied
and performed locally before she began traveling at 14, studying with
Ballet and apprenticing with Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre for two summers,
"baby swans" in Swan Lake, "Phlegmatic" in Balachine's
Four Temperments,
and the soloist in Pas de Dix. Jennifer graduated from musical
theatre conservatory
and has worked with numerous regional theatres across the country.
Favorite roles
include: Sr. Mary Leo in Nunsense, Kristine in A Chorus Line,
Liesl in The Sound
of Music, and Little Red Riding Hood in Into the Woods.
In addition, Jennifer's
done many commercials and industrials, both national and local. She
offers thanks
for the love and support of her husband, Brian, her family, and friends
annd Paula
and Joyce.