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Legend of Galactic Heros 9 - 12
Legend of Galactic Heroes is neither funny nor cute, but it does feature two boys who forged a friendship which propelled them to supreme fame and power. However, don't be fooled by the glitz and glory, because this is one grim and lengthy saga, presented like some futuristic documentary.

A long time from now in a galaxy none other than our own, the evil empire and rebel forces are waging space wars. Question is, who's worse with political betrayals, economic plunders, and devious military tactics?

Though more realistic than most shows, one must nevertheless accept certain coincidences and plot twists contrived to keep the story going and going...

Genre: sci-fi military drama; some mecha
Episode 9: The Klopstock Incident
Episode 10: Jessica's Fight
Episode 11: The Actress Exits
Episode 12: Imperial Territory Invasion

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