Seventeen Magazine's "quote unquote" about Ben
quote unquote
Actor, writer and loverboy Ben Affleck
is everybody's favorite good time guy.

"I am holding his Oscar hostage until Ben gives me a grandchild."
-Chris Affleck, Ben's mother

"We had this love scene where Ben had to eat animal crackers off my stomach. We had to do it over and over agian because I kep giggling. Ben is such a goofball."
-Liv Tyler, costar Armageddon

"We did this big hail scene together. Ben was a real gentleman. He let me grab a garbage-can lid to cover myself. Ben just grabbed a little windbreaker. We both had bruises the next day because they hurled real chunks of ice at us."
-Sandra Bullock, costar, Forces of Nature

"The secret of staying friends is telling each other the truth. You also have to be respectful of each other. That's why we never went out with the same girl-becuase there are certain boundaries."
-Matt Damon, cowinner, Best Original Screenplay
Oscar for Good Will Hunting.

-compiled by Cindy Pearlman and Dina Sansing

Benjamin Geza Affleck was born on August 15, 1972, in Berkeley California. In 1980, he met Matt Damon and also landed his first acting job in the PBS TV series Voyage of the Mimi. Before his finito relationship with Gwyneth, Ben dated high school sweetheart, Cheyenne Rothman, on and off for 10 years. When Ben first arrived in Hollywood, casting agents told him he wasn't good looking enough to act.

Article reprinted with out permission from April 1999 Seventeen Magazine for fan appreciation only. Article is property of Seventeen magazine.