Name: Howard Dwaine Drough

Birthdate: 22 August 1973

Birthplace: Orlando, FL, USA

Family: Parents - Hoke and Paula, brother John(32), sisters Polly Anna(33), Caroline(35) and Angie(37).

Height: 1.68 m

FAVS: The colour purple, the book "The Firm", chinese food, R&B music, water sports.

3 Things he couldn't live without: love, family, God

If he was an animal he would be a lion because the lion is the king of the jungle.

Howie has a big secret, "When I was younger, my dad told me to clean up the backyard if I wanted to go out and play. So, I raked all the leaves up, but I didn't know what to do with them. I really wanted to go out, so I just threw them over the wall into our next-door neighbour's yard. The thing was the woman from next-door was standing there and the leaves went all over her".

Howie is very quiet compared to AJ. He tries to answer interview questions interestingly and sincerely. AJ and him are obviously great mates - the perfect double act.

Howie has a warm, soft-high voice which shows the warmth of his character. His face is very open and he smiles alot during conversation. He maintains eye contact, unless asked a personal question, when he becomes a bit shy.

Howie was a big fan of gummi bears but after being sent truckloads of them, he's sick of them. "I try to keep my figure".

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