
A.L.A. -Ami Lovers Anonymous

Mercury F.A.Q.

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Last Update: August 7, 1998

Page Created: May 6, 1998

Hey! There have been Sailormercury fans here since May 7, 1998!

Ta-da! After months of ignoring this page, I have returned! I am no longer the prez of A.L.A., though. My friend, Sailor Yoshi, is now the prez! I no longer had the time to take care of the club, so she took over. May A.L.A. live forever!! You still need to join, though! Well, I've recived a fan letter from a fellow Mercury lover! Look below to see!

Hi. I was surfing the web when i came across your sailor mercury page and i loved it. Sailor Mercury is my fav. sm charactor and i dont see too many nice pages about her. yours is one of the best sailor mercury pages ive seen and i wanted to give you my award. you can put it on your page if you would like. I am also going to join the A.L.A.

<a href=""><img src=""></a>

Thank you so much! You can also view the award below! Well, TTFN!

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