The Following Person Is In need Of Prayer


Sent in by
Gabby Talkington
Posted On

My wife, Marty, Had a total knee replacement last week & has since developed blood clots in knee, groin, & lungs...Was admitted to hospital Monday....Tuesday had severe pain which was diagnosed as Gaul bladder...She is scheduled to have that remover tomorrow, not finalized yet because of the blood thinners...Would you please add her to to your Prayer list as I feel that is a really good thing...Thanks ....Dave Hoover

Sent in by
Gabby Talkington
Posted On


My wife, Marty, Had a total knee replacement last week & has since developed blood clots in knee, groin, & lungs...Was admitted to hospital Monday....Tuesday had severe pain which was diagnosed as Gaul bladder...She is scheduled to have that remover tomorrow, not finalized yet because of the blood thinners...Would you please add her to to your Prayer list as I feel that is a really good thing...
Thanks ....Dave Hoover


Wife is surviving the blood clots OK as well as Gall bladder surgery. Had to go back to the knee surgeon today for scar tissue removal, Dave is still attending to her at home as is the Nurse in charge.

Sent in by
Gabby Talkington
Posted On


Things are going very well for Marty Hoover...Is now going to out patient therapy for knee replacment therapy, gull bladder has healed nicely, & blood clots are under control but will take blood thinner for the next five months...Thank all of you for your prayers during this difficult time....All is on the mend..!! Dave Hoover
