The Following Person Is In Need Of Prayer


Sent in by
Gabby Talkington
Posted On

Sue Kuchman

From Steve Kuchman

I wish this was all a bad dream and that I didn’t have to say this, but sadly, on Tuesday morning, my wife Sue, the love of my life, will have to undergo surgery to remove her right kidney.

During a catscan to check a small hernia that had flared up, they incidentally found a 4 centimeter tumor on Sue’s right kidney. The doctors believe this tumor is renal cell cancer. Sue has since been checked thoroughly and thank God there are no signs it has spread. It is contained in the one kidney. The doctors say that although it is sad that Sue has to lose her kidney, she is very lucky that they found the tumor early, as most are found too late. The doctors state that the cancer will come out with the kidney and that the prognosis is for 100% recovery.

So, surgery was scheduled and this coming Tuesday morning they will remove Sue’s right kidney and repair the hernia as well. The surgery will be 4 to 4-1/2 hours, then 2-4 days in the hospital, then a month recovery at home. This is major surgery and needless to say, the emotions and anxieties have been running rampant around here.

We have a fine bunch of guys and gals here on Joe’s Board and I am requesting that you kindly keep Sue in your prayers, especially on Tuesday morning. I believe in the power of prayer and we will take all we can get.
