Bachelor of Laws - 1999 Arial photo - Doug Chisholm |
Sakitawak Apihtokosan Ile-a-la-Crosse Halfson
(AKA The Metis Man) |
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for
any offensive material, photos, language found outside of my homepages
but, nevertheless may be linked to my site. I try to screen what links
I am attaching my pages with however, given the fact that I have no
control as to where and what other sites link to, you must travel at
your own risk. It was with regret that I turned my Metis online radio off and no longer broadcasting. There is a possibility to re-start it in the future but that depends on financial capacity. Thank you for the support during the past three years. |
Welcome to my homepage. Michif-Cree is the language that is spoken in Ile a la Crosse and immediate region. Most of the Elders in Pinehouse, Buffalo Narrows, Canoe Narrows, Jans Bay, Cole Bay, Beauval, Dillon, Turnor Lake, Patuanak and even La Loche understand this language. Mike Durocher Northern Fish Sales |
Northern Saskatchewan Frozen Fish Fillets For Sale Travel to Maple Creek, Swift Current, Kindersley, Rosetown, Outlook. Keep Coming Back! Tell your Friends! |
Michael J. Durocher LL.B.
- Public Notary I provide
Consultant Services in the areas of Socio-Economic Planning and Development.
I have taught university classes and consider myself an expert in
Aboriginal Law.You can reach me at this email Photos of Ile-a-la-Crosse Folks Here are PHOTOS of people from Ile-a-la-Crosse past and present. Girls outside the residence in Ile a la Crosse in the early 50's and other assorted photos. I hope to add more as time goes by. |
You will find this site is dedicated to Metis, Cree, Dene, Aboriginal Law and Legal Education Issues. I was raised and have lived most of my life in Northern Saskatchewan. " From the trapline to law school!" I attended Robson Hall - Law School at the University of Manitoba in the windy city of Winnipeg. TheMetis Nation Definition of who is a Metis has stirred a lot of bad feelings amongst Metis across this vast Country. You can read MY VIEWS and why I feel that way. The Metis Nation of Saskatchewan is now back in business with Robert Ducette as President.The 2004 MNS elections were frought with fraudulent activities, of which several people were charged by the RCMP. A few have pleaded guilty and have been sentenced. |
A Little Bit About My Site
I hope to bring you new and exciting information from my home region, North West Saskatchewan, whenever I get a chance to update my site. I am originally from Ile a la Crosse, but spent many years of my young life on an island called Sandy Point. I was adopted and raised as an only child. I was one of thirteen children and unfortunately, most of us have remained separate and do not know most of my brothers and sisters well. My adopted mother was a Morin and it is with that family that we spent much of my young life and the ones I got to know as family. No disrespect to my Durocher family. The Morin and Gardiner families inhereted the use of this area from the Larivieres. They originally lived on the mainland we knew as Solabit. Grandpa Morin and Gardiner married Lariviere sisters and each raised a large family there. Ambroise Morin originally settled in the Buffalo Narrows area when he got married. The priest told them to leave Buffalo and move to Sandy Point to be near grandmas family. Uncle Leon Morin told me that is when they started clearing and breaking land on where we now know as Sandy Point. Today, there are over 400 descendents from these two couples. When you include Mrs. Alex Ahenakew the oldest of the sisters, and Charlie Larivieres family, there is probably another 400 descendants. If we go back two more generations the numbers will surpass thousands. I spent my first 20 years living at Sandy Point with a few years at Deep River Mink Ranch where my dad worked for five dollars a day. From 1969 to 74. I trapped and commercial fished. I raced snowmobiles for fun. In 1974 I moved to across the lake to town (Ile-a-la-Crosse) when I started working for the Co-op. I was transferred to La Ronge in 1976 as grocery manager, then as relief manager in Pinehouse before I began working in Economic Development for the province. I have lived in Beauval, I have also lived and worked in La Ronge on several occasions and am back here again. I lived in Yorkton for six months Articling for Merchant Law Group. I had a love-hate relationship with my job working as a lawyer. Some days I loved it and other days I hated it. I enjoyed the court work but, other things about the Justice System did not agree with me. I worked for the Lac La Ronge Indian Band as their Human Resource Officer. I enjoyed the work because I was able to communicate in my first language on the job. This is the first professional job I held, where the majority of the employees spoke Cree. I worked as Band Administrator for LLRIB out of Grandmother's Bay. The reserve is located on the northeast side of Otter Lake, part of the Churchill River system. My partner Debbs works in La Ronge at Online School. Debbie and co-workers Ted Green, Kona Bryson and Kelly H. develop distance education classes for high school and adult students. It is a very interesting field they are working in. I have two children, twins Meghan and Kashtin who live in the city with their mother. I enjoy their regular visits. We try to do things, such as golf in the summer, and they snow board in the winter. I enjoy the outdoors, fishing, golfing, canoing, boating, the sounds of nature, adventurous trips exploring new parts of Saskatchewan I have not seen before. I also enjoy painting outdoor and wildlife scenes. My long term plan is to eventually build a nice cabin in the north, preferrably at Sandy Point. During the past two years since graduating I have lectured a University of Saskatchewan, Native Studies 219 - Native People and the Canadian Justice system class in La Ronge. I also co-taught a computers class and I maintained (or tried my best to keep the Windows lab alive - Macs don't die easy) both computer labs for the NORTEP - NORPAC Program. The Northern Professional Access College is where I started my post-secondary education. I suppose this is one way of giving something back to the program before I begin practicing law. Besides lecturing, I also tutor and assist students with paper courses, or computer related problems and did much of the desktop publishing requirements. I also taught a Business Law class for the First Nations University who have classes for Lac La Ronge Indian Band members. |
My Family Now a little about my biological family: Starting from the oldest. Yvonne (Alta.), Caroline (BC), Doreen (died as an infant in a cabin fire along with her dad Tony Swanson), Julia(Sk), Michael (I am the first son)(SK), Larry(SK), John (Leleep, we lost him in a hunting accident), Violet(SK), Leona(SK), Diane(SK), Robert(Ont), Delores(SK), and Lori(Alta). Isn't that what they call a "Baker's Dozen?" Eleven are still living. Our mother Aldina Lariviere, (nee Durocher) now resides in Meadow Lake. She is a brother to my adopted father Joe who lives in Ile a la Crosse. So, I was fortunate that I was raised in Ile a la Crosse. Leleep and I knew each other as kids,and got to know we were brothers when we were a bit older. Yvonne, Caroline and the Late Doreen were born while Aldina was married to Tony. The loss of a husband and a daughter must have been very hard on our mother. She remarried to Clarence Lariviere but they never had any children. Most my other siblings were born in Meadow Lake. My sister Julia remembers the early days before Meadow Lake and before the welfare system made her run away. She survived and has done well, raised a daughter and is now a kokom. Violet married Victor Thunderchild, now teaching while Vi runs her own daycare. They bought a new house Dec 08. Leona and Diane were raised in a small farm town so we have only met a few chance times; Larry and Dee live in Meadow Lake, while Rob is in TO, Lori was the last to find in Calgary. We didn't even know she existed, so she was the biggest surprise. Photos will slowly make their way into this story. Ile-a-la-Crosse Friendship Centre The Ile-a-la-Crosse Friendship Centre was now on-line. The Friendship Centre and various organizations and residents support and work at the Annual Ile-a-la-Crosse Youth Wellness Conference. Youth from across Canada come each year for workshops, meeting new friends, learning our Metis culture and dancing nightly. Buckley Belanger Member of The Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly Former Minister of Community Resource and Training Buckley was born and raised in Ile-a-la-Crosse.He too is a descendant of Sandy Point. He graduated from high school, dabbled in journalism, got married to Becky, together they were blessed with three daughters, and they started a local communications business; he became the Mayor of Ile-a-la-Crosse then a few years later decided to throw his hat into provincial politics. He first served as a Liberal MLA before resigning his seat and winning the NDP nomination and a record setting election winning over 90% of the vote. I drove truck for ten years so I created a photo album of a collection of trucking related photos to share with my friends. Alderville - Dave Mowat A good friend of mine, Dave Mowat, blues harp extraordinaire hails from Alderville First Nation not far from Toronto. A few of students rented a house together with Dave so we heard the blues harp every day. Manitoba Aboriginal Justice Inquiry Report The Manitoba Aboriginal Justice Inquiry Report - the whole report, two volumes is available from this LINK. The report was co-authored by Associate Chief Justice Murray Hamilton of the Manitoba Provincial Court; Sinclair has since moved to the Manitoba Queen's Bench in 2000 Other valuable information from the Nelson Thomson Learning are available through this link. Gail Morin - Genealogy Check this out - Gail Morin has created a Metis Families Genealogy Site - It's quite comprehensive. Also, I have made a direct link to the Riel Genealogy, the link is within the second page where I discuss the Riel family. There a lot genealogy web sites today. You can also Google Names and see what they pick up. You will be surprised at how many common names there are out there. Northwest Sask is rich with history and genealogy has brought a lot of different people to places like Ile a la Crosse seeking some connection with their past. Without some kind of history a person cannot know who he is or where he came from. |
Rick Laliberte MP- Served two terms as our Member of Parliament representing the Churchill River Riding of Saskatchewan. Rick is from Beauval, Saskatchewan and has lived there most of his life. He is a natural Master of Ceremonies, and a Northerner at Heart. I first met Rick when he was about eighteen on the Beaver River. He was racing around in this small Arctic Cat and I had my Thunder Jet. We became good friends over the years and have maintained a connection through the years. He has helped co-ordinate a dream about rivers and its people. He is a supporter of the River Gathering where land users of all walks and professions can meet and discuss the land in the North and how we can have equal share in all aspects of northern development. Rick was also instrumental in organizing and MC-ing the Sipisishk Jamboree or locally referred to as the Beauval Jam. Some of the stars were Kashtin, Billy Joe Shaver, Buck Owens, Doug Kershaw, Al Cherney, Don (DC) Corrigal, C-Weed & Errol Ranville, Just The Boyz, Free Bird, Ed Gamblin, Fire, and many others. I scanned Church
Records from Ile-a-la-Crosse. |
Metis Memorials This is an idea thathopefully will interest people from all walks of life even though I am targetting Aboriginal people from northern Saskatchewan. It is a Metis, First Nation, Inuit Memorial and Genealogy Site (Off-Line until I find a new Web Site Carrier). If that link doesn't work try this Link. The memorial site will have links to a genealogy page which over time should develop into a database of family trees. I did not buy the genealogy program used to set up yet, however, the intention is to have an interactive (dynamic) site so that the surfer can add their families by filling out the proper formatted form and returning it to me. I only have a few memorial examples at the moment however, I should have more up in a short while. I will be asking for a small fee to set up each memorial page however, once the memorial of a family member or friend is up, that memorial will be a part of the internet forever. The idea is to develop a data base of Aboriginal families who are from or may have links to North West Saskatchewan. I have received some family tree data however, I am at present trying to develop a clean method of displaying them. Using the internet is such a new medium so creating certain data bases and displaying them so they work can be difficult. Therefore, please be patient it will take some time to build it up. I have a partial display of my genealogy of my biological side of the family.I am working on one from my adopted side of the family. Even though many of our elders have passed including my adopted mother the Morin family still treat me as one of their own. I was so fortunate to have been raised by such caring people. NEW Photos of NORTEP - NORPAC |
NOTE: I am working on putting together genealogy charts for families out of Ile-a-la-Crosse. Ken Suitor has also sent me valuable information on the Roy family tree. John Leclair was sent church records from Ile-a-la-Crosse from Gail Morin, and now John has shared those with me. The records have been photocopies from other copies so some entries are impossible to read. The records are in French therefore, I have to read very carefully and I use aFrench-English dictionary for certain terms. You must remember that these entries of baptisms, marriages and funerals were done by priests who in most cases spoke only French. My Great-Great-Grandmother Anne Bekkattla and some of her genealogy. Aboriginal Arts and Crafts Aboriginal hand-made crafts, Artwork and Musicians Artists, Crafts Producers, Musicians from northern Saskatchewan. Metis Links, Genealogy and Discussion Boards Links to various Metis related sites, as well as other interesting sites. |
Michif Speakers Data
Many Metis people in Saskatchewan's Northwest speak Michif and think they are speaking Cree. This is an Metis Nation of Saskatchewan database. It will provide a good resource base of Michif speaking Metis so make sure you register your name. Just click on the blinking underlined words. Below are some of My Own Sample Michif Phrases I created on MP3 Good morning, my brother-in-law, come in, heres a chair, I will put coffee on the table and we shall drink some coffee. When you winter fish, you use a chisel to cut a hole in the ice, then you use the shovel to remove the ice, then you insert a jigger and using a cord 100 yards long, then you pull the net under the ice, leave it overnight, then the next day use the chisel to chop through the ice, then remove the ice with the shovel then you pull the net out and remove the fish. Louis Riel and History Links Louis Riel Articles, stories and History Links More about my Heritage and Metis History including some of my personal opinions. There are several links to stories on Riel. |
Trial of Louis Riel Check this out, a Metis lawyer, now
retired has written a book on The Trial of
Louis Riel, Justice and Mercy Denied. George R.D. Goulet B.A.,
LL.B., LL.M. must be commended for the hard task of going through
archives, travelling and gathering facts, even so far as travelling
to England because for some reason the Supreme Court of Canada was
bypassed and Riel's appeal was heard before Privy Council, which is
in England. For you folks who are not legally educated Mr. Goulet
has written this book in as much plain English as possible but nevertheless,
you will find many legal terms and may find a lot of the reading somewhat
boring. All in all, I enjoyed the book however, I have a legal education
and appreciate all the work Mr. Goulet has done to get to the truth.
That is to show that Louis Riel was hung by a drunk Prime Minister
and that Justice was corrupt, Justice was Denied and Justice has failed
all Canadians to this very day. Information about the author and more
about the book can be found at this
link. |
Deep River - Ausland Mink Ranch (Please note all the links in this block are outside my website.) Memories
of Deep River Created by Selmer Ausland Deep River brings
back many fond memories of my childhood. My father worked for
the mink rancher so I spent many summers there, while winters
were spent living under prison-like conditions in a Student Residence
for Metis at Ile-a-la-Crosse. So, weekends out at the ranch and
summers were spent exploring the wilderness, baiting for perch
which we sold to the rancher for a dollar a tub. It was welcome expense
money when school started. |
Ile-a-la-Crosse Region From Satellite Satellite Image
of Ile-a-la-Crosse and surrounding communities.
Numbers point to traditional food gathering and trapping areas of
land users as I can remember. You will see why it was called Sakitawak
in Cree; meaning literally many openings. The Churchill River, Beaver
River, Canoe River and long narrow bays created canoe routes to
all areas of the north. Ile-a-la-Crosse was one of the most important
fur trading centers and then the Catholic Church called this Capitale
du Solitude.
Listen to the The Red River Jig Thanks again to John LeClair. You may need to download Winamp, Quicktime or Real Player My Own Original Art Work Click on Picture. (There are 8 pages, each page has a "Next Page" button at the bottom.) |
For any inquiries e-mail The Metis Man
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