Dedicated to the greatest show in the world!!!! THE SIMPSON'S!!!

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Abraham "Grandpa" Simpson

abebitch "Oh, bitch, bitch, bitch!" -10 k's

abedeath "DEATH!!!" -10 k's

Homer Simpson

homerevil "I am evil Homer! I am evil Homer!" -65 k's

homerdoh "D'oh!" -2 k's

homermeow "I know you can read MY thoughts boy. Meow..." -88 k's

homerboogie "AHHH!!!! BOOGIEMAN!!!!" -13 k's

Ralph Wiggum

ralphfloor "Um, Miss Hoover? The floor is shaking..." -46 k's

C.M Burns

burnsexcel "Excellent." -6 k's

Krusty the Clown

krustycartoon "I could have pulled a better cartoon out..." -62 k's

Maggie Simpson

maggydad "Daddy" -7 k's

Lisa Simpson

lisaewww "Ewwww!" -6 k's

Bart Simpson

bartwhoa "Whoa, man!" -7 k's

Marge Simpson

margedoe "D'oh!" "A Deer!" "A female deer!" -14 k's

Ned Flanders

nedhi "Hiddily Ho!" -17 k's

nedok "Okilly, dokilly!" -17 k's

Moe the Bartender

moethreat "Listen you, when I get my hands on you..." -44 k's

Groundskeeper Willy

willyfrench "Bonjourrrrr, ya cheese-eatin'-surrender-monkeys!" -21 k's