Naoko's SeraMyu My Beautiful Haruka and I
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The Senshi from the Sailor Moon Musical Stage : SeraMyu ! Here you will find information on the wonderful women that portrayed our Fated Duo!

Sera Myu = Seeraa Muun Myuuzicaru : Sailor Moon Musical

What is SeraMyu?

That's how Japanese fans call "Sailor Moon Musical". It's not a TV show, it's a theatrical production, a live stage musical show, produced by Bandai Visual© and Bandai Visual Musical Office©. This Musical is usually held at either Ikebukurou Sunshine Theater, Okayama Citizen Hall, Shin-Kobe Oriental Theater, Yubin Chokin Hall and Aichi Kousei-Nennkinn Hall. I saw SeraMyu at the Sunshine Theater myself, which was quite a delightful experience. ^.^
Please visit my SeraMyu : Shin Densetsu Kourin Site Today!

Kimura Sanae
My Cutey Sanae!
This is the most talented woman that had ever played Haruka on the SeraMyu Stage. To me, she looks identical to Haruka and even suits the personality, wit and charm of Ms. Ten'oh and Sailor Uranus. Her acting is very good, and there couldn't be a better Haruka. Sanae played Haruka throughout all the stages of SeraMyu until this year, where they started with a totally new Senshi cast.
^.^ I Love You Sanae-san!!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^

Sakamoto Kaoru

This is the actress who played Michiru in the SeraMyu S Musical, which was staged in 1994, the Summer Stage Show. I feel Kaoru is a fair actress of Michiru; she somewhat obtains the 'look', but the raspy voice during "Deep Submerge" isn't that attractive, making Kaoru an overall 'good' Michiru.

Tomida Chikei

This woman played Michiru during the SeraMyu S Musicals as well, which the stages were during the 1994 Winter and 1995 Spring seasons. Chikei is the only Michiru actress I have not seen yet, so stay tuned for updates [hopefully]!

Fuji Miyuki

This is the actress played Michiru during all of the SeraMyu SuperS Musical Stages. Miyuki was also a good actress and made a good appearance as Michiru and Neptune, although during the action scenes, Miyuki's voice tends to crack and bello, almost deeper than Sanae's Uranus World Shaking. Overall, Miyuki was a 'fairly good' Michiru.

Tahara Yuko
Beautiful Yuko
This is the most talented woman that had ever played Michiru on the SeraMyu Stage. She has the elegance and beauty that is exactly what they needed for Michiru. Her acting was very good, and she looked better with Sanae [as Haruka] far more than any of the other Michiru actress had. Unfortunately, they had found Yuko too late, and she only had a chance to do three stages, which were the Stars Stages.

Takagi Nao
Shin no Haruka
This is the newest actress for Haruka. Nao Takagi has just started her Stage on SeraMyu, Shin Densetu Kourin : The Beginning of the New Legend. So far, I am pleased with Nao's appearance and attitude as Haruka, not to mention her dancing skill is wonderful! I'm sure she will continue to do even better in the future. Gambatte né, Nao-san!

Shimada Sara
Shin no Michiru
As Nao Takagi, Sara Shimada is the newest actress for Michiru from the Stage Shin Densetsu Kourin. I am pleased with her work as well, seeing that her style of acting is quite good. I'm sure she, too, will continue to do even better in the future. Gambatta né, Sara-san!

¤Certain Informaion on SeraMyu is credited to NekochanK¤