Beyond and closer. (fragment)
Ernesto Cardenal.

Mr. Cummings business
and his fascinating product catalog
Finnish Lahti 20 mm anti-tank canyons
bazookas: "the perfect weapon"...
International Armaments Corporation (INTERARMS)
or rather the Death Supplier Corp.
he bought Soviet Egypt-captured weapons to Israel
to sell them to Latin Americans in the United States,
sold weapons to Figueres' Costa Rica
as well as Figueres' enemy, Somoza
he armed FRG with Holland's MGs,
bought for a million Franco's old weapons
and sold 500.000 FN rifles to an Argentinean gorilla,
27 vampires to Trujillo bought to Sweden.
Mr. Cummings business.
Weapons to invade Cuba, to support Somoza,
to kill black in Africa,
for the CIA, uninidentifiable origin.
Mr. Cummings business
friend of Franco, Somoza, the Sha.
These have been prosperous years for his firm.
97 United States wars since Pearl Harbor.
Mr. Cummings sole business "Death Merchant"
but a retailing death merchant:
More respectable firms they have the Monopoly.
As for the peace projects
"highly sceptical."
A yankee soldier, in a campaign field, with camisole,
smoking with half-close eyes:
it is Humphrey Bogart, of course.
Poet Aratos who San Pablo mentioned in the Aerophag
was inspired by Pythagoras
(men belong to God's race according to Pythagoras).
The whole universe musical harmony.
Everything is number and harmony
in the music and in the stars.
Or waves as we understand now,
melodious waves,
the Hertzian waves, the light waves, the sea waves
and those of the atoms.
The color of a flower
they are the light waves ehich that flower doesn't absorb .
And the girls beauty are also waves
The scent of the flower
it is its song.
Vibration of its atoms. The harmonious conformation of the rose atoms
it is its scent.
Of diffuse and formless gassy states
the condensed and complex solidity .
Of randomized atoms undefinided clouds
the structural symmetry and developed form.
Mass and light relationship:
the mass creates pressure which produces heat which generates light.
The sky turning round.
And therefore the matter, the whole matter is not
but clouds, forms in mutation, or spheres
their unequal steps
and in uniform proportion so same.
The cosmos, as a circle for the omahas.
Clay blue pot for the jíbaros.
The sky for the Mayan a turtle shell.
And Plotino felt it as a single tense rope
which touched in an end the other one also receives the movement
and another rope touched there is a same harmony
and if the vibration passes from one lyre to another one, by sympathy,
there is a also single harmony in the universe.
Suddenly the first notes, and it leaves
a boldface, moving all the movable of its body
boldface, moving all the movable of their body
toward May stick every bit a color
and a boy comes closer, comes closer, with contortions
as those of a snake injected with alcohol
backwards to forwards, forwards and backwards
and she flirts
with devotion and rejection,
rejection and devotion,
and now the others already enters the fray
Mayo-Yaaaa! The quick movements of the body
are the quick movements of the music.
At the center of the circles which are full with fire
and of the other further circles which are full with night,
impelling the union of the female with the male
and the male with the female: so this way God for Parmenides.
For what Shawn, the dancer, also said
not being able to imagine God without rhythms.
" ...His infinite Rhythmic Being"
Those who answer to the spring days lengthening
or their reduction in autumn.
"Earth, sun, stars, so orderer seasons...
Is it not easy to prove that the gods exist,
dear guest?"
Being for the nuer tribes
one and many at the same time.
As the bird it leaves the egg, the zuñi say.
The first men didn't walk erect They had a tale.
When the world was still new and fresh.
Of an age without hyenas the Sumerians spoke.
They have looked for in their canoes in the lakes the algonquines
another world islands where there is not hunger neither war
(they say they have seen them).
The Pygmy remember the great tree that united the sky and the earth.
"We have lost the sky" the ojiwas sing.
The 4 seasons in their regular order, without confusion,
nothing damaged the man and the man didn't damage anything,
but the universe order was alterated the Chinese say.
Let us give a case a great wheat crop.
The abundance is not more food for all
but hunger.
Overproduction decreases production
and the firings are
sales decrease
and for the unemployments
and more factories stop
until shortage increases the production
and there is overproduction again
and crisis and again the turn...
unless overproduction is weapon-like
and there is war
because the cycle is broken in this way
thus, there is not truly overproduction.
And they thrive this way in the war.
Getty made his first million in the World War I.
When finishing the war
a Texan one with more oil than the Axis: Hunt
(that Germany, Italy and Japan all together).
D.K. Ludwing ships welder when beginning the war
had already a fleet, the world's fifth fleet
when finishing the war.
War basic functions?
Boys died in the trenches so that
Republic Iron increased from 3 millions to 148 millions
boys died in the trenches so that
Anaconda Copper increased from 12 millions to 58 millions
boys died in the trenches so that
International Nickel increased from 4 millions to 74 millions.

You'll hear talk on wars and rumours of wars
in the radio.
They'll end
when monopolies end.
They ruin adversaries without hate them.
Natural, like heat or rain.
...the rest like animals. Irrelevant
the one who said this

or where or when.

(In Mexico for instance, they were sold in 40 pesos
in Guatemala 2 pesos each.)
Therefore, there will be soon 2 human groups;
so highlighted separation that it will be
in short term
a real anthropological differentiation.
Inasmuch as the diffusion of ideas
exactly equivalent to
a narcotics smuggling
And Mills issue: a list
of top 100 powerful in the USA
and other of top 100 wiser
a few would be in both
or none.
Mr. Daley gordito y calvo, con corbatas chillantes
sorprendió a sus colegas banqueros
entrando al salón de conferencias en un triciclo.
De allí voló al Caribe a inaugurar el Jamaica Citizens Bank
el mundo es lindo.
A la competencia, inconscientemente sin odiarlos.
Y señoras duras como sus diamantes.
(Su luz elusiva.., todos los colores en todas partes
sin estar dos veces en el mismo sitio
de reflejo rojo a destello verde a chispazo azul
un fuego que nunca se apaga
en una infinidad de prismas y espejos sin principio ni fin
creado hace un millón de años este diamante
seguirá existiendo otro millón de años
le costará señora sólo $10.000 dólares
en B. A. Ballow & Co. Inc.
lo más cerca que Ud. puede estar de lo eterno.)
Y negocios cuyo abismo apenas vislumbramos.
Negocios que son como cheque sin fondo.
"Los días de Allende están contados":
el banquero en Wall Street, una mañana de enero, con
un viento helado en el sombrío desfiladero de Wall Street.
Los muertos en Calcuta, no por superpoblación
sino por capitalismo.
Por lo de:
en la India
"Amenaza de superproducción de arroz"
"Amenaza de superproducción de trigo."
El horror a la abundancia y la saciedad.
La General Electric inventó la manera
de que una bujía en vez de 1 .000 horas durara
Presidentes de corporaciones: criminales comunes
¡bang! ¡bang!
Con aviones que no duren demasiado.
Y las corporaciones ahora intencionalmente
no inventan.
"Uno de los mayores inventos de los años cincuenta
fue el tranquilizante."
La llanta de 100.000 millas:
Pueden. Pero no quieren.
Motores fuera de borda perfeccionados cada vez más
para que duren menos.
'Acelerar la obsolescencia'
(el presidente de Ailied Stores Corporation)
Nuestros productores de escasez.
Como se sabe,
Así que
los banqueros no tienen dinero.

al naturalista le basta conocer un individuo de una especie
o unos pocos individuos;
pero con la especie humana la unidad
parece como que no existiera.
En otras palabras:
la evolución biológica es pareja en las especies
pero no la social en la especie humana.
Así tres cuartas partes de la riqueza del planeta... etc.

Los feroces motilones
eran mansos, B. Olson descubrió en el 63
(yo estaba en Colombia entonces). Creían
que los blancos comían carne humana.
El indio puede oir el alma, dicen los motilones.
O tribus australianas para quienes
el alma reside en el oído.
Pitágoras decía según Hipólito que el universo canta.
Había geometría en el vibrar de las cuerdas
y música en la distancia de los planetas.
"Decían que el universo tiene música [los pitagóricos].
Y que el alma es como una armonía, o como una música."
Los protones en mi cuerpo y los electrones en la luna.
La física moderna retrocedió milenios
al enseñar que el universo es una unión
de complejidad y simplicidad, de variabilidad y oiden.
¿Por qué nos atrae el ritmo, la música, la danza,
sino porque ello une nuestros átomos y moléculas?
Las jóvenes Pléyades en el cielo
y Safo en su cama sola.
En cuanto a la unidad de este poema
no la tiene. La unidad es afuera.
La unidad del todo.
El universo inanimado no está tan separado de nosotros.
Así Sila que es también "universo"
(es Dios para los esquimales y a la vez universo)
dice a los niños que están jugando en la nieve
les dice Sila:
silo ersinarsinvdlugo
"no tengas miedo del universo"
con voz suave como de mujer.
Voz suave de Sila con suave nieve.
A los arahuacos habla con cascadas y ríos
y el murmullo de las hojas -en arahuaco-.
Pronuncia una Palabra en el Mahábhárata sin principio ni fin.
Diversas manifestaciones y una sola conciencia.
Los castores que se comunican con la cola
golpeando el agua. ¿Quién hace a la comadreja
hacerse blanca en invierno?
Las mariposas entre flores con colores de flor,
de hoja seca entre las hojas secas. Su nido de barro el petirrojo
moldea con sus plumas como un alfarero.
Como un alfarero
Ptah modeló en su torno el huevo del mundo.
"Dios y el hombre
...unidos en la arcilla"
(el resto de la tableta está destruido).
Dijeron estar tristes en Tierra del Fuego
por no saber mucho del Más Allá.

"Cántico Cósmico"
Ernesto Cardenal
ITESO, 1991; Cantiga 6, pp. 55-71

Most recent revision: November 24, 2004.