The gallery of Ernesto Che Guevara

Here are several photos and images related to comandante Ernesto Che Guevara surrounding all eras of his life. There are some photos that someone took when he was an argentinian boy, his travels around Latin America, the guerilla, as the revolutionary that acquires the cuban citizenship, his journey in the Congo, his death in Bolivia.

Guevara and Granados in the raft Ernesto Guevara with his first wife, Hilda Gadea. Climbing Popocatépetl volcano. In white, among the exiled cubans in Mexico. In Sierra Maestra. Interviewed by Jorge Massetti. Cigar lover.
Transmitting from the Sierra Smoking, smoking... Drinking maté. Santa Clara freedom. Interviewed by italian RAI. At La Habana airport, with his fathers. Sitted.
During the voluntary work days Slaking thirst Talking to the Communist Youths. Zoom. Appearance in TV. Chat between Che Guevara and Jean Paul Sartre. With Mao Zedong, in China.
In the USSR, with Nikita Kruschev Protected from the cold russian winter. Preparing his speech. Reviewing a machine performance. Cutting sugar cane with his wife and his friend Alberto Granados. Chiapas indians in front of a wall. In United Nations.
With his brothers, sisters and his mothers. Second from right to left. With Celia, his sister. Walking close to Egypt's President Nasser. In the laundry. Our Lord of Malta. Zoom to dead Che. In Moscow. Monument to Che. Santa Clara, Cuba.
John Lennon in 'Ramparts' magazine cover protests against Vietnam war. Korda took the original of most famous Che pic. Identikits of Che's guerrilla. Dental extractions in Bolivia. Che captured by CIA agents. Between bolivian peasants. His passport photograph.

Most recent revision: Feb. 21th, 2002