AVATAR DELIVERIES AVATAR® DELIVERIES: Creating Desired Realities World Wide

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Why would I want to do Avatar®? There seem to be many programs making claims and promises these days. What distinguishes Avatar? What singles this course out as something really worthwhile doing?

I'd like to share with you some of my own experiences:

My name is Millie Hrdina. I am a licensed Avatar Master. I have always had an intense commitment to knowing the truth.

Many times in my life I have looked at who I really am, that deepest/purest part of me. And many times I could see quite clearly. Sometimes I would get a glimpse of me reflected in someone else. Reflected in their words, their actions, their artifacts or their expressions. Sometimes I could see me hiding deep in their eyes behind a mask they needed to wear in order to survive the moment. And still other times, I found the real me standing alone in the middle of a forest, a meadow, next to a river or on a boat crossing the seas.

Why is it often easier to feel the realness of me when I was separated from others?

Why did I too wear the different masks in order to survive some situations?

How could I fully express the real me and yet protect the vulnerableness I felt inside?

How could I share my special gift openly and honestly with others, all others not just a select few or at only specific moments?

I now have the answers to these and many other of my soul's deepest cries. And more than answers I have solutions. I am source. I am creating the reality in the present universe that is manifesting my deepest and purest desires. I am deliberately sharing the realness of me with others, and with you.

I am choosing to align my goals, my efforts and my life's purpose. I am sharing me by delivering Avatar courses: creating space where one is allowed to change; delivering powerful yet simple and effective tools, by which, one literally creates the reality one desires.

Prior to doing Avatar, I was aware that I had some limiting beliefs, which seem to trip me up and stop me from extending beyond them. I had explored all around my existing world and myself and knew that I had to uncover and get rid of these beliefs for good; so I could achieve what I really wanted. I tried many other things. But upon my first introduction, I intuitively KNEW that Avatar had the key for me. I did Avatar; and I was not disappointed. Avatar brought me the fulfillment and completion I had been seeking.

I certainly stepped outside and far beyond my old idea of myself. I have not looked back. I have a new sense of power over my inner and outer worlds. I now have the tools to handle anything that comes up for me. I'm rapidly achieving my goals; and life is definitely on a steady climb upwards. I am happy, excited and feel good about being real in all aspects of my life; and this is my natural state these days.

The unique contribution and impact that Avatar makes is it gives you the skills to locate and discreate, that is dissolve or literally dismantle, your limiting beliefs or ideas. This is different from any other course I know of; for once having removed these, you are free to create your preferred reality.

Your awareness will expand, bringing you in direct contact with your true/pure self. This puts you back at source of your life. The only place to be.

If you are sincerely interested in realizing a fuller potential and if you are sincerely interested in changing conditions for the better in your life, there is no more powerful tool you can give yourself than Avatar. This elegant and remarkable process really works. And that has been my experience and the experience of thousands of others who have had the wisdom to do Avatar.

Who you are becoming is important to me!

I invite you to explore the reality you desire by taking deliberate steps in discreating that which you would prefer not to experience and creating that which expands and excites you.

Please consider this your invitation into the adventure of regaining the ability to be source over your life and your universe. It will be my pleasure to talk with you and answer any queries you may have.

When you are ready, call me at: 650-766-2370


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

The love that I am I share with the love that you are.

Thank you!

Avatar® is a registered trademark of Star's Edge International®.
All rights reserved.