QUOTES: Beliefs To Contemplate

"You decide when it will hurt...and we do decide for ourselves when it will hurt."
--Per Petterson (translation Anna Born)

"They themselves are the makers of themselves by virtue of the thoughts which they choose and encourage; that mind is the master-weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance, and that, as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness."
--James Allen

"What society thinks of as reality today is the hypnosis of social conditioning, an induced fiction in which we are all collectively participating. It is the melodrama of a humdrum existence, filled with trite obsessions and trivial pursuits, wherein our only fate is to be born, grow old, and die... If we could just realize it, the keys to the miracle of life lie in our own consciousness."
--Deepak Chopra

"When people thought the world was flat, it wasn't that their thinking was distorted, (The data that they were collecting gave them that information.) it was that they were not broadsighted enough to step back far enough to see the big picture. And that's what we see with so many of you: You are so close to the reality that you are creating, that you sometimes can't see the bigger picture."
--- Abraham

What can we step back from today and see the bigger picture of? A family situation? An event in the world? Something to do with work? A disagreement? The pure joy of beingness returns as we begin to see things from all perspectives :).
--Brie Pawlak

"To believe in the things you can see and touch is no belief at all; but to believe in the unseen is a triumph and a blessing."
--Abraham Lincoln

"I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief. "
--Gerry Spence

"Ultimately the Force is the larger mystery of the universe. And to trust your feelings is your way into that."
--George Lucas

"Live into the question. Live the question until you are living the answer... Walking into the unknown...leaving behind the fear, resentment, the judgment. Life is a process of learning. It is a journey."
--The Very Reverend Alan Jones

"Septimus was suddenly afraid that Antidote would not work. He glanced nervously at Marcia, who whispered, 'It will work, Septimus. You must believe in it.
'Physik isn't like magyk,' said Septimus unhappily. 'It doesn't matter whether you expect it to work or not. Either it does or it doesn't.'
'I doubt that very much,' said Marsha. 'A little belief in something always helps. Anyway, you know this works, don't you?"
--Angie Sage

"Everything you see in life is the visible expression of a pure thought... To think according to appearance is easy. To think in accordance with your dreams and vision regardless of appearance requires tremendous and sustained efforts... Take the mental attitude of ownership in your vision."
--Wallace D. Wattles

"There is nothing happening out there -- it's all happening on the back of your eyeballs."
--Dr. Irving Oyle

"Such childhood energy I spent feeling betrayed. By the world in general, Leah in particular. Betrayal bent me in one direction while guilt bent her the other way. We constructed our lives around a misunderstanding, and if ever I tried to pull it out and fix it now I would fall down flat. Misunderstanding is my cornerstone. It's everyone's, come to think of it. Illusions mistaken for truth are the pavement under our feet. They are what we call civilization."
--Barbara Kingsolver

"When we worry, we form mental pictures of what may exist in the environment, of what may happen. We then respond to these negative pictures as if they were present reality...Your nervous system cannot tell the difference between a real experience and one that is vividly imagined."
--Maxwell Maltz, M.D., F.I.C.S.

"It is very difficult for people to act beyond who and what they believe themselves to be."
--Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D.

"The problems you had at age two are gone - yet, you are unconsciously playing out the methods you used back then... These obsolete solutions deprive you of the opportunity to fully experience and enjoy your life."
--Ken Keyes, Jr.

"I realize, that all the trouble I ever had...came from some smallness or fear in myself."
--Mary Haskell

"Our belief systems influence how we perceive and experience our lives. Inevitably, they influence...  behavior... Even though belief systems may be embraced without confirmatory evidence, they do not constitute delusions."
--W.W. Meissner, S.J., M.D.

"Is this what you want to know then--why people aren't excited about the distuction of the world? ...No, I know why they're not excited. They're not excited because they believe what they've been told...They put their shoulder to the wheel during the day, stupefy themselves with drugs or television at night, and try not to think too searchingly about the world they're leaving to their children to cope with."
--Daniel Quinn

"Until now, I had been able to persuade myself that things would eventually return to normal. Now I realised that Olaf was right, even if his reasons for saying so were wrong. The truth no longer mattered. All that mattered was what people believed. I had never felt as lonely as I did then or as helpless to do anything about it."
--Paul Watkins

"If the people quit believing in us, then we will disapear."
--Queen Mapp of The Old Ways

"I came to recognize the effects of my own belief system and the powerful role of enculturated belief systems in general; I needed to reexamine accepted thought with new eyes. When I came back from the moon I saw perhaps a little more clearly how our traditional modes of understanding did not adequately explain our modern-day experience. We needed something new in our lives, revised notions concerning reality and truth. Most of us have accumulated this body of ideas that make up our belief system through external authorities rather than  through our own quest and original insight."
--Dr. Edgar Mitchell

"So much of our experiences predicated on the consciousness with which we inter it, our future possibilities already morgaged to past limitations. The struggling company finds itself unable to see the chance of a more nimble future due to the suffocating weight of its past self-image.
--David Whyte

"Let me explain. In any disease, a person is confronted with two very different entities. One, the person is faced with the actual desease process itself--a broken bone, a case of infuenza, a heart attack, a malignant tumor. Call this aspect of disease 'illiness.' Cancer, for example, is an illness, a specific disease with medical and scientific demensions. Illness is more or less value-free; it's not true or false, good or bad, it just is--just like a mountain isn't good or bad, it just is.
But two, the person is also faced with how his or her society or culture deals with that illness--with all the judgements, fears, hopes, myths, stories, values, and meanings that a particular society hangs on each illness. Call this aspect of disease 'sickness.' Cancer is not only an illness, a scientific and medical phenomenon; it is also a sickness, a phenomenon loaded with cultural and social meanings. Science tells you when and how you are ill; your paticular culture or subculture tells you when and how you are sick."
--Ken Wilber

"If we are not deliberate enough about what we want in life, we end up being consumed by our fears and limitations. Finding the courage to change can be challenging, but isn't it more frightening to watch our dreams slip away?"
--Christine Balzar-Gibbs

"People say that what we're all seeking is a meaning for life. I don't think that's what we're really seeking. I think that what we're seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experience on the purely physical plane will have resonance within our innermost being and reality' so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive."
--Joseph Campbell

"Consciously or unconsciously, you always get what you expect."
--Dr. Robert Anthony

"...it is my opinion today that disbelief prevents one from seeing what one wishes not to. My belief in the rationality of science blinded me to the equally rational consequences of disbelief."
--Dr Edgar Mitchell

"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them , make them."
--George Bernard Shaw

"When angry, the object appears 100% negative. But 90% of that nativeness is projection."
--His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

"Find thoughts that feel good, because it is inevitable that you are going to always be moving toward something. So why not be moving toward something that is pleasing? You can't cease to vibrate, and Law of Attraction will not stop responding to the vibration that you are offering. So, expansion is inevitable. You provide it, whether you know you do, or not. The only question is, what is the standard of joy that you are demanding for yourself? From your Nonphysical perspective, it's a high, high standard."
-- Abraham

"I have learned: that self-esteem plays just as much a part in the destiny of nations as it does in the life of individuals; that hatred leads either to the need to dominate or be dominated; that citizens who refuse to obey anything but their own consciousness can transform their own country; in short that self-esteem is necessary for any real democracy."
--Gloria Steinem

"The thing always happens that you believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen."
--Frank Lloyd Wright

"...you can still hold on but forgive, forgive and give...I forgive you...The teeth at your bones are your own, the hunger is yours, forgiveness is yours...Slide the weight from your shoulders and move forward. You are afraid you might forget, but you never will. You will forgive and remember... move on. Walk forward into the light."
--Barbara Kingsolver

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.”
--Albert Einstein

“The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.”
--William James

“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”
--Lao Tzu

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought.”

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a show that never leaves.”

“A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.”

"...the thought is the seed of deed."
--Angie Sage

“Whatever your mind can conceive and can believe, it can achieve.”
--Napoleon Hill

“Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.”
--Benjamin Disraeli

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be.”
--Kurt Vonnegut

“You create your own universe as you go along.”
—Winston Churchill

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notion unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature.”
--Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
--Dr. Wayne Dyer

"What we are witnessing is a culture shaped by emotional reaction, rather than carefully chosen values and principles. We can see that events shape our perceptions; rarely do we acknowledge that our perceptions shape events. There is a general consensus to end violence; yet even the conversation to end violence is riddled with violence.
In a reactionary culture, the root issue is rarely addressed. We seek to eliminate symptoms while masking the cause; we demand further external action from others while demanding less internal responsibility from ourselves. Violence begins within. Each of us is violent. Violence is the result of insensitivity to the emotional well being of another; it is motivated by a failure to process one's own emotional pain.
Thus we cannot affect the outcome we seek- in this case, to end violence- merely through an emotional reaction based in fear. Fear is the root cause of violence; it cannot be the solution to it. Fear leads to control. When we cannot control ourselves we seek to control others. Control is an attempt to fight what is. Fighting what is gives strength to it. It feeds what we don't want. Rather than fight what is, we ought to first see what is. From early childhood we are immersed in a culture of glorified violence. Many of us are born into dysfunctional families. We bear the emotional burdens of our parents through transference; this violence is passed down through generations, like a game of hot potato; each carrier of pain- often unconsciously- slinging their own hurt at whomever is closest, and most defenseless: in many cases, the child.
Each of us is that child, carrying that pain. Each of us is that grown-up, trying to deal with the same pain we have been carrying since childhood. When we become aware of the uncountable instances we have caused another pain, through our words, our looks, our inability to communicate lovingly; it is then and only then we embark on the road to ending violence.
When we can see that inconceivable violence, such as what we have witnessed in Connecticut, is the final and horrific result of barely perceptible violence that begins when we are very young; that the early pains of life, seemingly small as they may be, if not healed, grow to immense power in our life, shaping every thought and action; then the solution to ending violence becomes clear: Each of us must acknowledge our role in creating violence. In acknowledging our role in creating violence, we accept that we are powerful, and that each of us also carries within the power to end violence.
Essentially, we are the solution we seek. You are the only one who can put an end to violence. This is not about guns. It is about emotion. Only love can quell destructive emotion. If you want YOUR world to be free of violence, heal yourself, love yourself, and see yourself in all others. Once you do this, let go of trying to control anyone else's world. There is Love. All else is propaganda."
--Makana Cameron

“Your circumstances may be uncongenial, but they shall not remain so if you only perceive an ideal and strive to reach it. You cannot travel within and stand still without. Let a person radically alter his thoughts, and he will be astonished at the rapid transformation it will effect in the material conditions of his life.”
--James Allen

“By choosing your thoughts, and by selecting which emotional currents you will release and which you will reinforce, you determine the quality of your Light. You determine the effects that you will have upon others, and the nature of the experiences of your life.”
--Gary Zukav

“If you knew how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.”
--Peace Pilgrim

“Follow your bliss, and doors will open for you that you never knew existed. Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.”
--Joseph Campbell

“Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”
--Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

"Meeting negative conditions with negative thoughts is a way of giving in to them. Meeting negative conditions with a miracle-worker's faith is a way of asserting dominion over them."
--Marianne Williamson

“What this power is, I cannot say. All I know is that it exists.”
--Alexander Graham Bell

“An American doesn’t need any will power to keep from eating dog meat – dogs are not seen as food in this culture. We must never underestimate the power of cultural programming. It’s everything! The only reason people are eating animal flesh and cow mammary secretions is the massive indoctrination we all receive at the hands of every institution in our culture...”
--Will Tuttle

"You see, events -- small and large -- occur from a single thought, which becomes a persistent memory, which in turn, becomes a causal energy center that leads the development and materialization of the thought into reality..."
--Dr. Anderson

"What you believe you see is what you get. Two friends are sitting together at the beach. Both experience the sand, salt air, sea breeze and sun. One loves the beach and is savoring every moment; the other hates the beach and is absolutely miserable."
--Hubert Winston

"The truth is within you."
--Sam A Milam, III

" "Tell me one last thing." said Harry. "Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?"
Dumbledore beamed at him, and his voice sounded loud and strong in Harry's ears even though the bright mist was decending again obscuring his figure.
"Of couse it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean it is not real?" "
--J. K. Rowling

"I became aware of the powerful role my attention played in determining my state of consciousness. I could simply witness my sensations, in which case I felt calm, balanced in equanimity. Or I could judge and fear my sensations, in which case I felt anxiety ad sometimes panic."
--Treya (Terry) Killan Wilber

"Basically you create your experience through your beliefs about yourself and the nature of reality. Another way to understand this is to realize you create your experience through your expectations."
--Jane Roberts

"Your eyes can deceive you. Stretch out with your feelings."
--George Lucas

"Man's mind once stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions."
--Oliver Wendell Holmes

"When you go beyond the limits of sorrow and pain, something new happens."
--The Very Reverend Alan Jones

"Each one of us has been given the gift of life in order to explore and discover that which really matters..."
--J Stone

“Explanation of the Secret
…I have witnessed how both perceived, and actual, levels of status can affect and individual’s ability to create freely. As a company, we have observed first-hand that if the levels of status can be flattened within a workgroup, it generally increases the comfort level, openness and productivity of the group. By adhering to our belief that all ideas are equal, we must also view the creators of those ideas as equal. Taking it a step further, we also believe that everyone has the same creative potential, so it is easy for us to perceive all employees equally. We reinforce our theory of the status-free environment by aggressively involving several different experience levels of employees in the idea generation process…
“…An individual who decides to increase his or her status will gain control of the scene and move it in a predetermined personal direction…Centering on self negatively affects the progress of the scene because very few can read minds. The team becomes paralyzed and is afraid to further the scene because they have no way of knowing, or understanding, what direction the ‘self-declared leader’ has taken. Communication breaks down and confusion replaces creation…
“It is important not to confuse status with personal focus or commitment…there is a difference between an organic response to what the scene needs and manufactured status. Manufactured status is contrived, planned, or manipulated based on personal need for power, attention, or ego, and organic response is natural, free-flowing, and recognizably spontaneous."
--John Sweeney

"Words cover secrets like trapdoors over underground passages. To find out their true import, you have to be willing to explore."
--Deepak Chopra

"They've subordinated everything to their belief system. That makes them rational, but only within that system."
--Tom Clancy

"I allowed that the experiments and mathematics of science were valid and the inner experience of the mystic were as well. However, both science and mysticism are rooted in language, thought structure, and political history, all of which were set in place long before we learned that our universe was an evolving phenomenon. Assumptions, interpretation, tradition, and dogma have accumulated through the centuries, layered like cobwebs in the belfry of our collective thought. And it is these cobwebs that dictate much of our understanding today."
--Dr. Edgar Mitchell

"I decided to directly face this place within me. I hold my attention there, an encounter enormous resistance. But I maintain my attention, and the uncomfortable feeling begins to be replaced with good ones. I become more and more aware that everything is good, that everyone , despite my projections, is enjoying life more than I realized, that enjoyment is a major aim of the unfoldment process of life. I feel better and better about myself."
--Myron J. Stolaroff

"We have the power to make reality. Why make it inside boundaries, when the boundless is so near?"
--Deepak Chopra, M.D.

"The key to finding interest in the commonplace lies first in forgetting limiting concepts and projections."
--W. Timothy Gallwey

"If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite."
--William Blake

"When you learn to quite your mind, you will gain access to the Force."
--George Lucas

"The moment you alter your perception of yourself and your future both you and your future change."
--Marilee Zdenek

"The past is dead. The future is imaginary. Happiness can only be in the Eternal Now Moment."
--Ken Keyes, Jr.

"The important thing to keep in mind is that your emotional reaction is a learned reaction."
--Sharon Anthony Bower & Gordon H. Bower

"Just stop panicking, and feel again, not for the Merlin you knew but for the one you have to find."
--Deepka Chopra

"That's funny, the damage doesn't look as bad from out here."
--George Lucas

"When all the things we want beyond our reach move slowly within our reach, it is easy to feel good about life. But if our sense of well-being becomes dependent on the constant delivery of goods to our door, we experience a sense of loss when the supply suddenly dries up, or we no longer perceive it has the same value. At this point we are thrown back on ourselves and must live on what we find there. In a way we are finally forced to rely on the one thing already within the compass of our grasp--our soul's natural entanglement in the world. This entanglement is often perceived for the first time through a sense of loss. It is as if we first stumble into our belonging by realizing how desperately out of place we feel. This sense of loss has a natural way of drawing us inside ourself. We might at first label the body's simple need to focus inward depression. But as we practice going inward, we come to realize that much of it is not depression in the least; it is a cry for something else, often the physical body's simple need for rest, for contemplation, and for a kind of forgotten courage, one difficult to hear, demanding not a raise, but another life."
--David Whyte

"What was once decided can be redecided!"
--Stan Woollams & Michael Brown

"Beliefs above,
 Beliefs below,
 Beliefs all around,
 They have a life of their own.
 They all have a source,
 They all make a course.
 One of the greatest powers alone,
 Is to make a belief
 And call it your own."
--Mancalee Smith Karabagli

"What is fear of making decisions but lack of confidence in one's mind and judgment?"
--Nathaiel Branden, Ph.D.

"...fear is a BELIEF in our inadequacy to deal with something."
--Harry Palmer

"We make progress by going in a direction we have not been."
--Gloria Steinem

"It will help you, in fact, if you think of your beliefs as furniture that can be rearranged, changed, renewed, completely discarded or replaced. Your ideas are yours. They should not control your. It is up to you to accept those that you choose to accept."
--Jane Roberts

"The whole of creation is a play of thoughts, the out come of the mind. It is your own mind which binds you, and it is also the mind which is the means of your freedom."
--Meher Baba

"In the coming decades, the most important determinants of health and longevity will be the personal choices made be each individual."
--Journal of the American Medical Association

"Everything comes from our state of mind. That's what consciousness is - our state of mind. Consciousness manifests itself on a physical level. Therefore, consciousness is what life is all about. I believe that your state of health is more related to your state of consciousness than to your physical body. We create both illness and healing through our consciousness."
--Bernie Siegel

"The mind of a human being could effect cell formation."
--George De La Warr

"...so the smallest unit of matter may be pure thought. We've made a series of experiments that suggest that the world around us may quite literally be a construction of our thought. We've discovered a particle-like unit which we call the imajon."
--Richard Bach

"Your world reflects your essence, drop all of your preconceptions for a moment and look around."
--Paul Williams

"Life, for human being, is a constant process of thought, of motion, of purpose, of achievement; it is not the state of merely not being dead."
Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D.

"Our interpretation...was key to resolving the polization...if we decide these...mean... the effect of such a belief would be to create this very outcome."
--James Redfield

"Thoughts are shaped by how we perceive what is happening to us or to someone near and dear, every bit as much and sometimes even more so, than by objective information."
--Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.

"What ever it is that isn't working... you examine just for a moment what belief it is that supports this behavior. Because the ancestor to every action is a belief, is a thought. Then work at re-examining that."
--Dr. Wayne Dyer

"The key to perception is belief."
--Deepak Chopra

"Dare to go where no man or woman has gone before: Travel into your own consciousness; Identify your own beliefs and their dimensions; Explore their effects and frontiers; Recognize you as their creator."
--Millie Hrdina

"We create possibilities by believing ourselves into it, and we dissolve limitations by experiencing ourselves out of it."
--Harry Palmer

"You cannot expect the world to change before you change yourself."
--Robert Muller

"The entire process begins with your own willingness to look at your personal thinking habits and to work at transcending any authoritarian thinking which gets in the way of your becoming a No-Limit person."
--Dr. Wayne Dyer

"When your mind is trapped by the image out there so you never make the reference to yourself, you have misread the image. The inner world is the world of your requirements and your energies and your structure and your possibilities that meets the outer world. And the outer world is the field of your incarnation. That's where you are. You've got to keep both going."
--Joseph Cambell

"Thought is simply information coming to the screen of conscious awareness, and being aware of information doesn't, by itself, do anything but allow one to know what one is resonating with... It does little good to attempt to suppress the negative and overlay it with sweetness and positive thinking, if troublesome thoughts keep surfacing. In this case we merely sublimate a problem that will likely surface under stress. WE must accept responsibility for our thoughts, whatever they are; they are ours alone to manage. If we don't like them, or they aren't productive, we can and should change them."
--Dr. Edgar Mitchell

"To the degree you are able to change yourself in the present moment... your thoughts... your beliefs, you change your world."
--Serge Kahill King

"I have wondered about the fortuitous series of events that have led to this juncture. It is too much to believe in coincidence; indeed, I am once again reminded that there is no such things as coincidence."
--The Reverend Hendricks Palliser

"The Avatar technology was designed to reduce the filtering aspects of the conscious mind and enable the higher frequency of information to be accessed by the conscious mind...
"It's not really a simple question of the quantity of information processing, but rather the relevance of the information in linear time based on the intention of the individual. When one acquires the Avatar technology, their ability to tune into information that is relevant to a situation or problem is vastly improved. Before doing Avatar most people, when a given situation confronts them, access their conscious mind and pull out the solution that has served them in the past in similar or related situations. Thus, people fall into ruts and patterned behavior which closes down their access to the unconscious information that is based on real-time situation analysis and have extremely high relevancy.
"This technology accelerates evolutionary thought processes and enables the circulation of information between the conscious and unconscious aspects of the mind to expand into a natural flow rather than a pattern of repetitious circles. And it's because of this quality, of the Avatar technology, that the individual is able to unleash their own innate intelligence and creativity. So you see, the Avatar technology doesn't increase raw intelligence, it simply facilitates the natural intelligence of the individual."
--Dr. Anderson

"Freedon succeeds from the moment people stop looking to others to improve their lives and start taking responsibility."
--Madeleine Albright

"...I have never gone along with those who believe our lives are governed by fate. They whine, they wash their hand and crave pity. I believe we shape our lives ourselves, at any rate I have shaped mine, for what it's worth, and I take complete responsibility."
--Per Petterson (Translation Anne Born)

"One of the key areas that Avatar addresses is personal responsibility. As more and more people wake up to the understanding that their beliefs, thoughts and actions have consequences in their lives, profound shifts will occur - not only in the individual, but in the family, in the media and in the collective consciousness."
--Miken Chappell

"Man is buffeted by circumstances so long as he believes himself to be the creature of outside conditions, but when he realizes that he is a creative power, and that he may command the hidden soil and seeds of his being out of which circumstances grow, he then becomes the rightful master of himself."
--James Allen

"Taking responsibility for your thought is one more way of creating peace and well-being in the world around you."
--Kathleen Vande Lieft

"Remember - the force will be with you always."
--George Lucas

"Feel don't think."
--George Lucas

"Through sharing The Avatar Course, it is my joy to celebrate the recovery of the memory that we decided to pretend to forget. The most empowering thing you will every do for yourself is to recover this awareness."
--David Gardnerer

"The individuals working in this alchemical environment are continually forced to reassess their abilities to live with unknown and open-ended situations, to actively create their own life independent of the organization and to like themselves while they are doing it."
--David Whyte

"Forgiveness is Recognizing there is nothing to Forgive:
Many of you have recognized that your experiences of Life, are created by your beliefs and stories.
Sometimes we get so involved in our stories, that we think they are true.
While we are under the power of these Beliefs and Stories (BS for short) we become insane; Doing things that no rational person would ever do, unless they were under the influence, under the influence of their beliefs and stories.
While we are under this insanity of our BS, we create all of these stories and emotions that we have been injured and slighted by another. While we are under the influence of these beliefs and stories, we know the other party harmed us and definitely did it intentionally.
We may so insanely believe that the story is so true, that we believe we must have retribution.
If you have the nerve to see your beliefs and stories for the fairy tales that they are, you might notice some of the most fantastic story tellers around you.
Governments, churches and the media are some of the most wonderful story tellers, capable of hooking into our personal stories of fear, greed, or any other emotion.
Once these great story tellers pull us into their story, they can manipulate us, direct us at will.
Unless we are capable of seeing the illusions for what they really are, we are trapped in the story and our only options are to follow the plot.
We have gone to war over beliefs and stories.
Over the ages, millions upon millions have rallied around a story and lead to a slaughter, over nothing more than some beliefs and some interesting stories.
Look at every conflict, from some child upset because their sibling took their toy, to a dictator, so insecure and afraid of losing power, he can create a belief and story in his populace, capable of getting them to die for him. What is patriotism, just some beliefs and stories?
There is nothing wrong with our BS; we need them to create the wonderful experiences of life. We can’t experience any emotion without a belief and story behind it.
I find this wonderful game of life is a lot more fun, when I consciously choose what I want to experience in life, and then consciously choose the belief that creates that experience.
You might say “you’re just fooling yourself, you’re just pretending”. My response is, you’re absolutely right, we are all pretending, it’s just that some of us know, we are just pretending.
Wouldn’t it be interesting, if we remembered that the other person in our story is under the influence of their own beliefs and stories, struggling through their own delusions; Delusions that have absolutely nothing to do with us or any basis in reality?
What if we remembered that the other person is stuck in their own personal story, following their own personal script?
What they are thinking and doing has absolutely nothing to do with you.
The person is just responding to their own person beliefs and stories.
No matter what is going on, no matter how personal it feels, we are creating what we are feeling.
We are in control of our experiences through our personal beliefs and stories.
Is it possible, it is really possible that you have never been harmed or slighted except in your delusional story?
Could you recognize, everything you have ever felt, is based upon your personal story and not what another has said or done?
Could you imagine how empowering this realization is?
You’re in control of your life, not another.
Could you imagine the implications around the concept of forgiveness?
If you saw the illusions for what they really are, you’d recognized you have never been slighted or harmed.
You’d recognize there was never anything to forgive.
True forgiveness is recognizing there is nothing to forgive.
Enjoy Your BS"
-- Steve Dahl

"When we accept that beliefs are art forms rather than something you live and die for; that  a belief is something you can create and in turn it will create a certain experience or that you can discreate the belief and discreate the experience the difference between us becomes a rather minor thing."
--Harry Palmer


I enjoy collecting  quotes about the limitations and empowerment of the beliefs we hold. And ask your assistance in helping me grow this collection. I invite you to share any which personally speak to you.

I also collect personal stories from persons who have experienced a dramatic impact on their lives and/or the lives of others by a change of a belief they personally held. I would love to receive one from you.

You may send either to me at any time. I appreciate your contribution.
Thank you!

Millie Hrdina
E-mail: avatardeliveries@live.com