Now Join the Boys in Makeup Webring!

Back in the days when the BIMP ring started we were full of young abandon and good will. Having now run a webring for quite a while, we've become bitter and cold hearted. Anyone my join but there's some things you gotta do if you actually want to be added. [Active as of June 7th]
  • Join with ringsurf, not yahoo, I no longer look there
  • Put the html up, that part isn't optional
  • Fill in the html right, I will no longer add people who don't fill in their ID numbers correctly it's not that hard just to put in a number where it says **YOUR ID** and to delete the asteriks.
  • Have a real page, this is open to interpretation

    How do I join?

    Go here to fill out the form, remember many will join, few will actually follow the instructions. If you happen to be one of those people who can put up ring html properly the quickest way to get added is to e-mail me and tell me where on the page I can find your code. Please note my e-mail has trouble accepting attachments so try to send me as simple e-mails as possible (that means you people at hotmail).

    See our html fragments here. Please note that you need to fill in your ID # and name, this information should be mailed to you by ringsurf. Save the picture of your choice and upload it to your site, tripod won't let outside sites link to them (thats one of many reasons they suck).

    Once you submit your page you have 10 days to put up the html, then you get booted from the queue.

    You will be removed from the ring if...

    I find that you no longer have your html up. Simple, eh?