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Gender: male
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Used for:
Sacred tree in many, many cultures, long associated with royalty; rites were often performed in groves of oak trees, and mistletoe that grew on oak was considered the most powerful. It has long been considered unlucky to fell an oak. Burn oak leaves as purification. The wood is used for all-purpose wands. Acorns are carried as fertility charms, to preserve youthfulness, and to ward off illness. Hang in windows to protect the house. Men can carry acorns to increase their sexual attractiveness and prowess.


Gender: female
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Used for:


Gender: female
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth


Gender: male
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Used for:
Regarded as a symbol of peace and wealth, and a sign of safe travel. heaing, peace, fertility, potency, protection, lust


Gender: male
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Used for:
Used in protection and healing. Place cut onions in a room to absorb illness, leave overnight and throw away in the morning. exorcism, prophetic dreams, lust.


Gender: male
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Used for:
The dried peel is added to love and fertility charms and used in Solar incenses. A traditional Chinese symbol of good luck and prosperity. divination, money.

Orris Root

Gender: female
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Used for:
Add to love charms, baths and incenses. protection, divination

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