anteaters will be towed

Kick back and enjoy some music

Something to think about: Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?

Care to hear my motto?

Okay, so you're back and STILL nothing has happend at this page. You know what, maybe nothing ever will. This looks more likely as years tick by and I forget that I even have this page. As I'm writing this it's 10/7/02 and I haven't made real revisions to this page in probably 5 years. Still I'll keep it here just for kicks and giggles. Maybe some day I'll be motivated...or not.

Well, you're already here, so you might as well choose a button.

Pick a button, any button!

HI! ear candy

Take me to your HTML editor! Please consider this page forever under construction.

Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook Or view my old guestbook
Those who do not sign my book will be made to watch a Teletubbies marathon!

So, you've had enough sillyness? I guess some people just can't take the heat. In that case, you may enjoy one of these sights.

The Offical X-Files page
The offical Star Wars Trillogy Page
Center for the Easily Amused
The Garfield Home page

Oh, and a big thanks to everyone who has a link to my page on their page.

I'm sorry. All the double oh numbers are taken. You have to be agent

Okay, so you've read my page and still feel empty inside. Come back later when I've finished revamping and I promise you won't be sorry. In the mean time, may the force be with you and I'll see you on the Dark Side of the Moon.