My Testimony Page
This is My Testimony...

Note: This is My Testimony. There are some things that have happened to me and my family which I must tell you of to get the full effect of the Testimony. I will use no names of the People involved nor of the Town in which it happened.

This is a Testimony to the Lord Jesus Christ, my savior and Redeemer. There is no intent of slander, or of any maliciousness.

God has been good to me, I can't complain.

Thank you,

M.E. Robinson


I will begin at the Turning point of my life and go from there.

In February of 1996 my world fell apart. The previous months had been filled with unhappiness in my church, several families had left, many more were about to. I was a young man 18 years old. All my life I was raised in the church, my father is a talented musician, my mother is a mighty prayer warrior. Several things started happening with the pastors family, especially his wife and daugher. They started doing things that the pastor preached against. He Covered it up and said nothing was happening. It was obvious however his wife was dying her hair and his daughter was cutting hers. He would get up and deny any of it.

My Mother is a R.N. at the Local Hospital. She faught tooth and toenail for the right to wear scrub dresses. The pastor's daughter gets a job with one of the doctors and ask my mother right before service started one night about the scrub dress, my mother told her to talk to her later about it; she never did. One day the girl comes in to the operating room with pants on. Everyone knows that she is the pastors daughter and how we believe, and everyone questioned "why?" My mother was devestated. That was Wednesday. Thurday night was a Valentines Party at a saint's house, the pastor and his wife pulled my mother into the bedroom and griped at her for over an hour and a half, saying that the old-timers preached it too hard. They wouldn't even let my father in the room.

That weekend my parents went out of town. They had to get away. I stood in service and testified about being glad to have Godly Parents who would not bow to the pressures of this world, just as the Hebrew children wouldn't bow even in the face of the fiery furnace. The Pastor had a look of hatred on his face. An elder gentleman stood up as soon as I sat down, thanking God for the "old paths" and for the Old timers, such as my great-grandfather, who was an old time pentecostal preacher. The pastor's face immediately turned from hatred to terror, from hunted.

In the next few weeks we sent a letter to the district superindentent requesting help. He inturn sent a letter back saying that everything was just fine. Shortly thereafter, he came down and kicked the only other licensed minister out of the church.

At this time we needed divine direction. I decided to go up to Blue Eye, AR, to spend my spring break with my uncle, who is a pastor of a small church. I went seeking guidance and help, but to mainly just get away. That week I fell in love with the church and especially the youth. I started making plans to make my self an Arkie.

Just after I got home, the Superintendent held an "all saints meeting." He basicly told us to obey the pastor no matter what and that the family that was kick out was spreading lies about the church and pastor. That was my last service there.

A few days before Easter, my parents asked me to attend a church with them. I refused, because it wasn't "my organization". They pleaded, I refused. They said I was buying my own lunch (which meant that they weren't giving me any money,) I accepted. I went, I was uptight and nervous. I liked what I felt though. That afternoon we went to my grandmothers house and as we were leaving my father asked my mother where I was going to church that night. She told him to ask me, she didn't know. Before she could finish, I blurted out, "Are ya'll crazy, I'm going back to Durant."

I went back that night The service was Awesome. I went out to eat with the youth that night and thouroughly enjoyed myself. As I was heading home, I was stopped at a light and realized I was in Durant, OK. At that time, God spoke to me in a semi-audible voice, and said, "This is where I want you for now." The following Wednesday I told the pastor

I been there since then, God has blessed me and used me. The youth leader claims that he wouldn't be where he is if it wasn't for me. God has truly been Good.

I may not have been A drug addict or a pervert, but God reached his hand to where I was and set me on a solid rock.
Many lies have been told, there have been those who tried to destroy us...but God has seen us through.

Glory Be to the Lord Jesus Christ, God Almighty.

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