Somali Chatline

This is an unmoderated chat room. While I do try and administer the room as often as possible and routinely expel and ban obnoxious users, please appreciate that I cannot police the chat room on a 24 hour basis and I'm not responsible for the content of the chat room. If you do come across an offensive user, just click on the username and the checkbox 'Ignore User' - all messages from that users will not appear on your screen, it is as if the user just went away.

Waxaan ka codsanayaa isticmaalayaasha sharafta leh ineeysan ka tegin xushmada, waxaa dhacda in inyar ay mar marka qaarkood ku tuntaan xishoodka ayagoo isticmaalaya erayo aflagaado ah iyo waxyaalo aan ku habooneyn sharafta umad waxgarad ah dhexdood. Waxaad ogaataa in meesha ay soo gali karaan dad aad u da'yar oo qaadan kara xumaanta aad u horseedo. Ogawna in laguu gula xisaabtamayo ficilkaaga iyo qawlkaagaba "yawmul qiyaama" markaa haysku iloobin aduunyada. Waxaad kaloo ogaataa in gurigani yahay gurigaagii hadaad xumaysana ay tahay inaad xumaysay gurigaagii..

Site manager: Mohamud Salad Ali.

Wixii talo ah ku soo dir halka, mahadsanid!

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Dooro mawduuca kugu haboon si aad ula sheekeysato dad aad isku fikrad tihiin.




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