Top Ten Reasons People Watch Jerry Springer:

10. Cause people like Jerry...he's cool....

9. Cause people like watching other people scream at each other.

8. Cause people like watching Jerry try to calm people down....

7. Cause people like watching guards hold people back....

6. Cause they just do....uh...

5.Cause people like hearing that little beep sound all the time....

4. Cause people like hearing people swear.

3. Cause people like watching people fight.

2. Cause people like hearing wild stories.

and drumroll please:

#1!: Cause it's you dare disagree?

Top Ten Reasons People Read Top Ten Lists

10. Because you're foreign so you're trying to learn english--this will not help.

9.  Because David Letterman isn't on during the day and you like his top ten lists so you figure mine might be a little the're wrong...

8. Because you're trying to make your own site and you're looking at other sites trying to decide what to do and now you're trying to use my top ten lists in a different way on your site....

7.'re desperatley bored and reading top ten lists was the only thing you could think of to do....

6. Because some people's sites are boring...if you say my site is...I'll hire my own personal assassin to kill you.

5. Because you're offense...

4.  Because David Letterman says so....

3. Cause I told them to read top ten lists and now they're all my zombies ::evil cackle::

2. Suspense...waiting for #1...very suspensful...

and drumroll please:

#1!: Cause they just do... Wanna disagree? huh?::in a really 'dont' disagree with me or else' kinda voice::

Top Ten Ways to Know If You're Obsessed With Something

10. You can't eat unless the food is shaped like something that symbolizes who/what ever it is. 

9. You (if you play an instrument) buy books that have the music to who(what they like)/whatever it is...even if you don't like it.

8. You think about it 23 hours and 59 minutes a day.

7. Whenever someone starts talking about something else, you immediatley change the subject to who/what ever you're obsessed with.

6. Every sentence you say has somethng to do with that subject.

5. You get really mad at your friends if they diss who/whatever it is.

4. You pretend to like all music related to it..even if you don't.

3. You buy everything that so much as mentions it.

2. You visit at least 15 different websites a day about that subject.

and drumroll please:


#1!: You just's an instinct.

Top Ten Things To Do On My Website:

10. Go to my MK page and stare at nothing.

9. Go to all my pages and hope to find other sites.

8. Go to my N Sync and BsB pages and compare them.

7. Send me mail! 

6. Go to all my pages look at everything, and then don't sign the guestbook even though you want me to update(that's kinda stupid)

5. Go read my poetry!

4. Go to my Movie page, and everything there's a link to on it.

3. Go to the Music page, and everything that there's a link to on it.

2. Sign my guestbook, and go to my picture page.

and drumroll please:
#1!: Go everywhere, sign my guestbook, and do everything!