Starting Roster

1LT Thompson
SSG(P) Lyos
PFC Lopez

Line Dogs:
SSG Kunsman
SGT Eckel
SGT Estep
PFC Zuniga
SPC LeCroy
PFC Martinez
SSG Puckett
PV2 Munoz
SGT Dixon
PFC Lirot
PFC Bueno
SPC Bowers
SPC Harvey
SPC Davilla
PV2 Srock
PFC Thurman
SPC Quarles
SPC Williams
PVT Stephens
PV2 Stanley
SGT Cata
PV2 Perego
PV2 Nelson
SPC Hyman
SPC Fernandez
PFC Goodman
SGT Matthews

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Stone Cold Bunch of Dog Faced Killas!

If you mess with us, you're gonna get whacked! Then we'll leave you in the "OUTLAW Cross".

Water?!?!?! We don't need no stinkin water. Where's my darn 40 oz?!?!?!?!

OUTLAWS in the Kuhukus....