The Monster's Under Your Bed!


  • 1. You must have a Monster handle. This handle can either be the handle I give you or the handle you make up. If you decide you don't want to use the handle given to you, you need to email me at and tell me you have changed your handle so I can update my records. The main reason for this handle is the ChatRoom.

  • 2. You must make a Monster web page. This web page can be ANYWHERE on the internet. Just tell me where! This page must be used to advertise T.M.U.Y.B. You can put personal information on it. You must have a link to the Monster's Under Your Bed Club Page that is here.

  • 3. You must have an email where ALL monsters can reach you incase they need something. You can get an email like mine at iNAME.


  • I have made a "The Monsters Under Your Bed WebRing" and a "Monster Chatroom"! You can go to the webring page at You can go to the chatroom page at

    Now Are You Ready To Join?

    Your Monster President -

    Adrienne - MonsterUnderYourBed#2 - -

    Your Monster Vice President -

    Travis - ThatDamn*Monster*Person - -

    Well, that's the rules you must follow (or something like that) if you want to be a monster. Now what do you do? You go back and sign the Monster guestbook to become a member. Do it now!

    You are only the th person to flip to this page!